
Pluto in Aquarius
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Pluto in Aquarius

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Posted by: @osiris-wife

Astrology often falls into a one dimension thought process of assuming that time is linear. In doing so, transits at date of occurrence are over emphasized which invariably ignores the connectedness of our Universe.

Cannot agree more. If anything, studies of nodal axis tells us the precise opposite, that time is on a continuum. There is neither past, nor future. Everything is the present moment, depending on where you look it from. I think Pluto in Aquarius will also deepen our knowledge of quantum mechanics, which is nothing, if not the study of the nature of time, matter and energy. I am quite excited about the possibilities - scientific, societal and spiritual.

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I mentioned somewhere in another topic that the Age of Aquarius is likely not what people think it is. In my opinion it might have far more to do with the shifting Earth axis..

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I agree with Pluto in Aquarius pushing our understanding of the physics underlying our reality. There are a few physicists saying space/time (as the fundamental thing)  is doomed Smile Both space/time and Quantum Mechanics are being looked as emergent from something more basic. Some are placing consciousness in that fundamental position. Most are not; they can't get past materialism....yet. I don't see that continuing. Have you ever read or listened to Donald Hoffman? He's interesting.

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@jana it's Donald Hoffam's birthday today.

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@osiris-wife @jana Synchronicity in action!

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really! lol he has very Capricorn/Aquarian flavored energy Smile When I see these guys so interesting and productive in their 60s, I get inspired Smile

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Posted by: @buendia

The connection between Aquarius and platonic friendships is very interesting. Of course, there's the possibility of AI playing a greater role in how we view sex, which could even shift how we view personal relationships. Just riffing off your idea about platonic friendships, if sexual needs were otherwise taken care of, friendships might function as primary relationships. But even if our sex lives remain a human to human connection (I hope they do!), the idea of having more important friendships is a happy one. I wonder how intimate, secret-keeping Pluto will adjust...

Here is a wonderful, heart wrenching article on the same theme. I relate to it so much!

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Clarification: I relate to it so much....because of the last paragraph,not the treatise on sex life of the elders. 😀

"Yet, until the modern era, if historians such as AC Grayling are to be believed, it was friendship in its many forms that was humanity’s highest goal – apart from a love for God, of course, which for the deeply devout made friendship dicey. Marriage underpinned the social structure, obviously, and love for one’s spouse, if it blossomed, made the arrangement much more pleasurable, but it was friendship that gave life its charge, its zest, its exhilaration and its lasting joy."

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Not sure if others mentioned it before, but- increasing use of Open Source Intelligence (Aquarius) in warfare (pluto). The second Nagorno-Karabakh war is often referred as the first "TikTok War". Russo-ukrainian conflict is quickly shaping up to be the second.

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In addition, Uranus enters Gemini in 2025, suggesting a change in communication methods. Handy if a war breaks out

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@gogol Gadgetry!

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@elsa YES a whole lot of them!

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@gogol hmmm. Suggestive.

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Yes and with Pluto trining in Aquarius I think we will innovate new ways of generating power...fusion anyone?

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A real big breakthrough in fusion energy has occured! This is ahead of previous projections of 2025. It's huge!


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Read the comments on this.

My thought was, everything old is new again.

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@elsa I saw this in passing on the news…I think I was doing something else…and I thought, is this deja vu?

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A product rebranded as “Zero Carbon”. 

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@allie120 yeah, it's weird.

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There has been a lot of talk about it but it has never been demonstrated that you could produce energy at a net gain, ie produce more than you put it. It is HUGE and has only been theorized about. Our entire civilization has been built and developed around energy use production, and sale. It would be enormously de-stabilizing to take such a major piece out of pattern. 

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@jana I’m just highly suspicious of the timing, the language, and the funding mentioned.

I know it sounds like I’m being contrarian and maybe I am 🫤

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I get that Smile If you aren't suspicious of what's coming out you are not paying attention. Smile

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@jana 😃 I feel like it’s my natural state nowadays 🤦🏻‍♀️. Plus, my Mercury in Cap can come across as Eeyore sometimes. Or like dropping a rock on someone’s foot. 🫤

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comments on this thread or regarding fusion energy?

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@jana fusion energy but perhaps by a different name. The idea is, this technology has existed in the past.

I don't know.

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In the ancient past? There are some that say the Atlanteans had something similar. But most would have said fusion in our time is a pipe dream. The joke is fusion energy has always been just 25 years away.

Or maybe they are talking about fission? Which is a nuclear reaction by splitting atoms not fusing them.

I have had a strong intuition about this breakthrough for the last few years. It's one of those things that might be beneficial in the very long run but hugely disruptive in our lifetimes.  

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@jana sounds interesting. On the other, I really don't know. There are tiny bits of truth in a sea of lies and this is far, far from my area of interest or expertise.  What I had was an intrusive Mars in Gemini thought which can't be taken seriously. I live in the psych and and sociology world.  Love, sex and parenting.

I'm basic. If the engine comes on when I start a vehicle, I'm happy!

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Of course. Don't mean to be a pill lol it's something I've been thinking about for awhile so I have no distance. 

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@jana no problem and you're not a pill! I'm tired and did not think before typing.

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while ya'll believe capricorn is about old age and respect for elderly, aquarius is also saturn ruled, and has respect for elderly, although from a 'distance"   

capricorn is about control, as cardinal is, very controlling. and both saturn ruled signs are about fear. They both fear and have restrained but one is the catalyst that brings everything to happen. Earth Capricorn is the "Doer"  and once in the ground, Aquarius takes the reigns and starts the process.  It makes sense because last times Pluto was in Capricorn, African slavery in 1525 were brought to the New World, so Capricorn did the job to " capture"  and drop them off, then it was Aquarius who kept the trading going.  They continued the job where capricorn left off. It was during Pluto Aquarius when the transatlantic slave trade was going on. 

Another example of Pluto Capricorn, Catherine the Great came into power in Russia. 1762. When pluto went into Aquarius, she made enlightenment ideals and reforms.  So her ideas came into effect. So if you think about it, Capricorn brings the work brought this down to earth and Aquarius continued it, with idealism and ideas, and new discoveries.  Like the pluto capricorn recently brought, we saw the COVID, it was during this pluto capricorn when covid reached globally and while having aquarius stelliums,  soon to continue under pluto aquarius to continue new medicines and technology and vaccinations. Thats how i see it so far. It is like Capricorn and Aquarius working together. But Pisces is also coming, and Aquarius will be working with Pisces too. Change of belief systems, religion (pisces is jupiterian as well) and compassion, feeding people, giving nourishment and love.

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i mean both have restrictions, not restrained. Since saturn is about restrictions (like the saturn planet)

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i just had a thought, about Pluto Aquarius, because i was watching CNN news again, and world news at large, and reading up on the Ukraine Russia war and how humanitarian efforts are world wide but here's something so telling, is that European countries are actually telling the truth, saying that they want to send back Syrian Refugees running from their civil war country and few European countries are actually saying they want to open their compassionate doors to Ukrainians. They say this because they feel that Ukrainians are more like their European counterparts, and more " christian"  than Syrian refugees or those from that descent.  The Racism is really really " out there"  now and they dont care. They are going to send those Syrian home, many of them who aren't already citizens, because the governments have already claimed they did their duties and allowed many refugees to become citizens. But now currently their government wants to house and offer assistance to Ukrainians suffering now. Activists of course say this is wrong but what can they do? They aren't rulling the country but all they can do is voice out their concern and say this is wrong to do because a human being is a human being. 

So i had this thought, that perhaps Pluto Aquarius will break those people and governments or those in power who are racist and bad to other people. Like what happened during the French Revolution, where they allowed suffering of poor people and wealthy didnt care if they threw up the food to only eat and eat and gorge their food again. While so many are suffering and starving on the streets. Perhaps Pluto Aquarius will " destroy"  these types of people for turning a blind eye to the unfairness and suffering and Pluto aquarius will like their Libra fairness sister air sign will think this is not fair at all and not good. So i think people should watch out in the future and be kind and good to those of any colour. Even that goes for people who are of same colour too, because i know same race can also be racist of their own race.  Remember the Rwanda genocide happenings decades ago where black against black killed eachother because they didnt like their height or something like that. It was just a thought... that people need to be careful and take care of your fellow man because pluto aquarius is going to do destroy those racist thoughts maybe.  Racist against poor and other color or even your own color skin. Doesn't matter. 


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