
Pluto transit of As...
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Pluto transit of Ascendant

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Pluto hit my ASC once already, last Spring -- after several years of indecision and doubts and huge mistakes, I let a great opportunity for a new and better life slip away.  Self-loathing, sedentary, depressed, self-defeated time and again.

I've purged/killed off nearly all my long held, unrealistic dreams, ambitions, fantasies, and will also give away much material stuff when (God willing!) I move back to CA.  Neptune is transiting my 2nd, Uranus approaching my Sun and squaring my Nodes/Uranus. 

Been trying to find my way out of this quicksand, so tired, feeling mentally numb and physically damaged.  Pluto will be doing the dance over and over my ASC until Dec. 2016.  I'm really wondering if I will ever see that "whole new life" when it's over, and scared of what's in store.

I didn't realize it at the time, but when I moved back to CA four years ago, my relocated chart put the Pluto transit in my 2nd -- skipped right over the ASC -- if only I'd stayed there, or gone back by now!  Still trying, just nowhere to live yet.

How did you make it through this transit?  Any tips will be very appreciated!

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I had that transit in my twenties at the end degrees of Scorpio. I have a Scorpio stellium in house 12 including my natal Sun. After Pluto being through 12th house and over my planets, I did not feel anything when it was passing over my Asc. I started to look more mature (less innocent) and darker. Since then people have been perceiving my complexion darker than it really is (or the other way around). I wish I could help you more. I can only say that if you survived Pluto's transit thru 12th house, you can survive this too. Mostly it affects your physical appearence, I think. Take care of your health and physical body. It was harder for me when Pluto hit Saggitarius and aspected my mutable T-square than transiting my Asc. If Pluto does not aspect any planets while it is traveling on your first house, it should not be too bad.

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Pluto transited my Cap ascendant 5-6 years ago. That was an incredibly intense time of stress and challenge in my career. I was catapulted into a position of much responsibility and authority and dealing with corporate politics.  My hidden ambitions erupted in a most Plutonian way, and my Pisces sun self was astonished and quite confused to see this tough side of myself. It ultimately led to my renouncing the whole political corporate world and making the choice to retire early to life in a small town on the other side of the country. Pluto is not done with me yet, he is squaring my fourth house Mars now and will remain in the first house for - yikes! - another 10 years.  

I would say this Pluto transit puts an extreme focus on all things first house, with working to understand how you intend to be seen and express yourself.  Relationships are less important than knowing and transforming oneself.  I have been accused of 'navel-gazing' but I believe there is a time for doing this work, and honestly I couldn't not do it. 

No radical appearance changes. Yet! But I bet I look a lot more serious. Not a very silly time. Would be a lot different with a different rising sign, I'm sure!

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I think you will. I strongly feel that anytime an outer Planet (I include Saturn) crosses the ascendant, it's like turning a chapter in your life and starting  new one. Thats how I have experienced it..

I have natal Pluto in the 1st so I will never experience this transit but I remember my progressed Asc crossing Pluto as being a time of upheaval and an extremely difficult and traumatic year, I was 13 and tr Pluto was also squaring my Mars. Not gonna lie, a part of me died that year. But the dust settled once the degree passed and I survived. Transformed.

I dont mean to sound so dramatic... but I can't sugar coat my experience, it was rough. I was also young at the time and didnt have emotional tools/perspective or knowledge in astrology.

I think right now, youre still in the heart of it, in the birthing process so to speak... of this new chapter, it just hasnt arrived yet. Pluto can feel like very intense pressure, so remember to ease the pressure off a little if you can? Remember to breathe and take it 1 day at a time but dont give up. Stay strong heart

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Pluto is conjuct my ASC at the moment (sun PISCES at 13º) if Ive learned a thing about this transit is that you should flow and let things develop, be ready for change, in some ways it has been a challenge.

Also have experienced some back pain and I think Pluto definetly has something to do with that ... Yoga and stretching have ease the pain and avoiding pain killers like they are the devil.

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I'm really sorry you are struggling heart

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