
Pluto Transit Squar...
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Pluto Transit Square Sun

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Carrie, that's a good point. You're not having to kiss up to bosses or deal with their shortcomings. (is my Pluto showing?) Maybe that's the lesson with Pluto--take charge of your responsibilities, or authority figures will do it for you. I don't know.

LisLioness, OMG, that's how I feel on a daily basis. Roiling on the inside. Sometimes I wish I COULD wear shades at work so no one can see my irritation. Trying to be pleasant is very hard right now--I'd rather be a porky-mouth. Devil I kind of got smart with one of my bosses yesterday without meaning to, so maybe now's the time to invest in a fat roll of duct tape!! :X

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bluerose, you are also having t.Saturn in your 10th, right? And Pluto is in there? I'm trying to remember because I know we have several commonalities in our chart.

"Lately they seem to have the ability to make me feel really small.

Is this normal? It's crushing. I can feel it."

That would definitely be a by-product of this transit. I am so sorry!! I hope you get reprieve, soon. What degree is your Sun?

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I have the Opposition applying and the issues at work are horrible, because of one boss! My issues are very similar to yours, except that I am one of the "higher ups" and the newly appointed president of the company is on a power play like you read about! I am in my 12th year with the company, prior to his appointment we were a 100Million per year company we will be lucky to hit 20 Million this year. Not only can I not stand his business style but there is no proof in the puddin' so to speak. We're not "Winning". In the past two years he has stripped me of all my authority and I no longer get to participate in the creative management side of the business, he is good at taking the women out of the authority (except from the HR perspective, we get to do all of the write ups and general housekeeping duties regarding management 101. I also had Saturn transiting the 10H when he was appointed, it conjuncted my Natal Pluto in the 10th. Clearly he doesnt like women meddling in the business (never has, but he has only recently been given the power to rid the company of us). I am not the only one to feel his wrath, others have been cut loose for no good reason (they "just didnt fit in" or it was "time for them to go") So I inherit additional work, see my authority and effort totally disregarded, not very fulfilling, in fact it feels like abuse as he appears to revel in it. Now Pluto does what he does, and he has to (I've seen a lot in 12 years and obviously things need to be this bad for me to make a move). Internally these actions take their toll on self esteem and general feelings of worthlessness, I mean I get all of the work, all of the headaches, and no credit and no longer work on the business building projects (Booyah theyre clearly not working!!). Pluto transiting 2ndH is squaring my N saturn in the 5thH (sun does in natal too) as it opposes the Sun in 8H. Pluto trines my Virgo MC and Trines my Taurus NN in 6H, I see the direction this is taking and will work with it. We recently had a gorgeous grand trine in Earth that sparked my move! I dont feel that I deserve any of the abuse being doled out and the business is tanking so there is no real opportunity for developement (soul journey)there for me so its not worth waiting to see whats gonna happen. The former president is standing by watching whats happening (and Im sure being fed a line of BS and being manipulated like the rest of us! I am not even interested to see what may come at this point. My stance is that I needed for it to feel this bad to know what I needed to do. I just started my own company, this is something I have wanted to do forever and just never had the guts, well if I am going to extend so much of myself and walk the tightrope every day, who better to work for than myself! Bad transits eventually trigger good ones, we are just trying to make the best of them regardless. In contrast to a lot of others things going on at the moment (not plutonian in scope) they are big issues but the Pluto transits/aspects are definately the most defining at this moment. I am feeling very optimistic that I will get through this stronger and better than i ever imagined (daydreamed to run my own business). I lost the dream of retiring from the best company on the planet where I contributed to its success and helped define it as a successful company, but that company doesnt exist, so its high time I start it. Rock on Blue.

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7 degrees Libra.

You're right, Saturn's passing through the 10th and Pluto is there natally.

My rising is 26 Saggittarius. Smile

If what I've read about t. Pluto square Sun is correct, my self-esteem will be put through the meat grinder. Sounds like fun. T. Pluto also opposing Jupiter, and t. Saturn in the 10th are not helping.

I have my good moments here and there--and distraction helps a LOT.

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@Lunartic Your situation sounds very familiar. Some days I really shine at work, but at the back of my mind there's that nagging fear that I've become "Mr. Discontinued". If you've ever seen Steve Martin in "Father of the Bride" you know what I mean. Son-in-law replaces father as the most important man in her life. Suddenly he's redundant. It's a weird place to be...shiny, and yet, feeling a bit like the Old Gray Mare.

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@blue rose

I'm at the tail-end of the same transit. My Sun is 2 Libra. My self-esteem has soared as a result of this transit. But it's all because I've had to learn to take on my own power. and that has meant quite a few entanglements with authority figures. The best thing you can do is to stay honest and protect your boundaries.

You are being asked to be true to your identity with this transit. It's all about "looking out for number one." It's like Pluto puts you through these challenges in order to force you to assert yourself and to be true to your self. And if you don't have a well-formed sense of self, you sure as hell will by the end of the transit. I think we Libra Suns tend to be unsure of our true selves a lot, and we do put others above ourselves so much. I often found that acting selfishly was a GOOD thing during this transit.

Hang in there! You're going to discover resources you never knew you had!

Blessings to you!

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