Weekend Love Forecast – Supported at the Crossroads

lifejacketThe Sun in Taurus moves in sextile to Saturn in Pisces all weekend, so stability seeps in to fill the cracks whether or not we’re looking, whether or not we see the cracks. Innumerable points of support surround us; so patience, faith, and perseverance turn up opportunities to solidify a positive sense of self.

Friday night, the Pisces Moon conjoins Saturn and goes on to sextile Taurus Uranus overnight. When I say go with the flow, this time I mean really hang on to it like it owes you money. There’s a whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on? A bittersweet weight or some fuzzy nerves? It’s going to be okay; keep the faith. Go ahead and feel good before you see the proof.

That’s how you level up in the Pisces zone. Ride it like a surfboard and smile like you’ve got this. It’s easier than you think it will be. Try it and see.

Saturday night, the Mars-ruled Aries Moon conjoins Aries Mars. The Moon and Mars trine retro Pallas Athena in Sagittarius. You’re up on the board, supported… and now you’ve got the urge to GO. Confidence is on your side, so free your legs to follow. It’s a whole body affair, and satisfaction is physical: movement is the body on fire, and fire has its own intelligence. Let your body do what it knows how to do.

Sunday morning, the Aries Moon squares Vesta in Cancer then heads into triple conjunction with Mercury and Chiron by nighttime. The discomfort we feel is the difference between where we are and what we’re doing now… and where we have already planted our deepest devotion. One leg on the dock, one on the boat. That tension could bring us closer to home or force us onto a moving object. Intellectually (and sensorially) we find the answer in understanding our own experience and our own needs.

Being uncomfortable is often the best reason to make choices that benefit our experience. Remember, Sun-Saturn fills those cracks, so now is a great time to JUMP. Hang in there: hang ten.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Supported at the Crossroads”

  1. lol. This reminds me of an old saying we used to use back in the day…. ‘smile and pretend you like it’. And that’s me until Jupiter crosses the line into Gemini.

  2. “The discomfort we feel is the difference between where we are and what we’re doing now… and where we have already planted our deepest devotion. One leg on the dock, one on the boat. That tension could bring us closer to home or force us onto a moving object. Intellectually (and sensorially) we find the answer in understanding our own experience and our own needs.”

    I think we’re on a bridge and won’t get to the other side till Neptune reaches Aries. How you describe it above, I think we can expect that for a while. There is a reminiscence of when Chiron passed from Pisces to Aries.

  3. Sophiab, that’s very intriguing what you said about Neptune reaching Aries, and how it’s reminiscent of Chiron going from Pisces to Aries.

    Over the weekend I went through the ephemeris over the last 10 years and journalled every Neptune and Chiron Pisces transit that occurred in my chart (Mutable heavy chart, so there was … a lot!!). It turns out the most dicey transits were actually from Chiron Pisces, which really did a number on me!

    Neptune actually brought in different energies, it started as a thick fog of confusion and messy unfinished business left over directly by Chiron, but which got clearer over time, echoing Elsa’s article about Neptune the other day (mass delusions & mass clarity). Turns out that’s actually very true!

    Now Neptune is at 29° Pisces, since doing the journal exercise, I felt an odd sense of release, and more importantly, acceptance. There’s nothing I need to resolve (Chiron), the unhealed wounds from Chiron Pisces can be released, no amends need to be made, it was what it was and I can let things be 🙂

    Let’s hope this nice feeling lasts! And that it doesn’t switch and bite me in the ass when Neptune stations retrograde 🤔 lol

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