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Progressed Moon in Pisces

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Thank you so much luckyduck..

It's been a few days and I can feel the shift from Aquarius to Pisces... Super sensitive

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I felt the shift into Pisces very obviously too. One thing that has been difficult is I want to sleep all the time. I have the hardest time waking up and actually getting out of bed lately. I do have lots of interesting dreams. Often I am not always sure which reality the dreams belong in. Even when I can't remember the dreams, fragments come floating back to me at odd times and I'm left wondering if that fragment is from a dream or waking life. It's weird and kinda cool too. I sometimes find myself being over-sensitive or dramatic compared to normal.

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My experience in these last few days has been similar luckyduck...I was already trying to recover from an injury and now i'm feeling more exhausted than ever.. Also, I've always been dreamy and highly sensitive Smile Feeling this even more now.. I can't imagine this is only the beginning of the transit... I'm going to try to channel all of this super sensitivity into productive artistic work...or curl up with movies and ice cream...

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I forgot to mention I'm a natal Virgo Moon, and this will oppose my natal Moon-Pluto conjunction right before it leaves Pisces for Aries.

If you have a creative endeavor or talent, I think it would be very well served by a pMoon in Pisces. I think for me, it's helping me to understand the natural energy my Pisces daughter carries. Although movies and icecream sounds wonderful.

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I can attest to the sleepiness. I have no way of seeing at what moment the progressed moon entered pisces, to see if it matches the time I started sleeping more. It was definitely this year though.

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