
Venus-Saturn in rel...
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Venus-Saturn in relationships

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As I lurk, I see a lot of fear surrounding venus-saturn in relationships. I was hoping to share some of the ways I see it manifest in our relationship, and hopefully get some other "testimonials." Smile In our situation, it plays "both ways." In our synastry charts, my saturn is poking at his venus and his saturn is poking at my venus. There's a small sextile between venus and saturn in our composite.

We have serious conversations at times. We know what each of us expects of the other in the event of our death, where the papers are. We have conversations about money (my Saturn is in 2nd house).

We impose rules on each other, but it's because we love each other. For example, I'm diabetic and he has "imposed" a rule that there must always be apple juice and buddy fruit in the house and must always be buddy fruit in my purse when I leave the house. You can rail against this "rule" simply because you're a free person and shouldn't have rules, but I don't. He's made the rule, which is a wise rule, and I try to abide by it. I've made "rules" for him. He's not allowed to do heavy house work (like putting an AC in the window) without someone there. He doesn't like having "rules" made for him anymore than I do, but he knows that it is a wise rule and chooses to abide by it. You can see that the rules, both ways, are wise and we choose to let each other be "restricted" because we trust in the wisdom of each other's view points (even though, naturally, I would  say to myself "Oh, I don't need juice, I'm just running some errands" and end up in a diabetic coma, and he would go "It's not that heavy, I can do it" and break his back).

Sometimes, neither of us is the one imposing the restriction. Like, I'm in the middle of my Saturn return in 2nd house atm. It sucks and we are broke. We looked at each other one day and we both said "We need to have a meeting about finances." We scheduled it for a time when we'd both be alert and in a good mood, had the meeting and that's how our regular paychecks are ruled. Whenever we get a new check in (like an unexpected check, or a scholarship check that comes in a large amount but irregular intervals), we have a meeting.

But it's not boring meetings all the time. I think that that is because we don't fight the rules/restrictions/meetings. We just accept that if we're going to take this relationship seriously, we need to, at times, treat it seriously. Because we take the time to do that, then we go off and play video games together and goof off for hours on end.

Anywho, I just thought I'd share since I see a lot of Venus-Saturn fears, but for us it feels like a sturdy foundation, even if foundations aren't the prettiest things at first glance. Smile

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I think your rules are awesome. kiss I have several Venus Saturn contacts with my boyfriend. We've been discussing marriage since our first date. We've only been together for a month and a half but we've already discussed death and all the stuff we want to accomplish before we die. He has chastised me about spending money too freely and putting him before everyone and everything else. I'm an Aquarian so I bristle but when it gets down to it I love and respect him more for being real with me and keeping me in line. Our relationship has gravitas and structure. I need that sort of thing.

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My Saturn is exactly opposite my husband's Venus. We've been together a long time. Smile

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 Venus conjunct Saturn in synastry will make the relationship formal and wooden to some extent, but also sturdy. Passion and love might be eclipsed by faith. It can create a relationship which is not very exciting and yet kept alive by both people because it feels like the right thing to do.


Venus opposite Saturn in synastry will be the exact opposite. A free flowing relationship, yet perhaps not very compelling as time goes on. Maybe a one night stand. There will a tendency to hide the relationship because it feels "too good" and not right. Amazing how the human mind works.


A person with any of these aspects natally will perpetuate this pattern in all their relationships to some extent.

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