
Violence in a Natal...
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Violence in a Natal Chart

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Scorpio Mars in the 8th house. It is my least aspected planet with a loose square to Venus and a looser opposition to Chiron. I am aggressive. I know that and I own that. It is up to me if I torment myself and my surroundings or not. I prefer not hurting anyone. But as a little girl I usually got into fights and beat up some boys. 😀  At the age of 14 I got beat up pretty bad. Taught me not to get violent anymore. Instead of I use workout, running, hiking, dancing to get off steam. Sex is a good idea, too. 😉

I pretty much agree on looking at not only Mars but Moon and Mercury. And I think you should not only check hard aspects to Mars/Moon/Mercury but the signs of their detriment. A planet placed in its detrimental sign can make one overcompensate - in the case of Mars, acting overly aggressive. One of my exes had Mars in Libra. He was the passive-aggresive type. And sometimes the aggressive type. He also had Mars conjunct Mercury (conjunct Sun). He told me that there was a time he used to get into town pick up a fight with strangers, beat them up and leave - because he needed to get off some steam. He also asked me once what I would do if he hit me. 

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Violence comes in many forms, it depends which kind you find most dangerous. 

Fire signs usually have an open kind of violence/ aggressiveness that I can deal with, verbal or physical. However, I just can't deal with passive aggressiveness that comes from some water signs (Pisces and Cancer) and some earth signs, like Virgo and Taurus. In my experience, Scorpio and Cap will always have the intensity and drive written on their faces, regardless of their self control, you know where they are coming from.

Actually, passive aggressiveness triggers a lot of violence in me because I see it as an emotional attack. You can kick and punch me but don't play games with my mind or my disposition or my soul.

I say this as a 12th house Pisces Mars square Uranus. Also, there's no fire in my chart. Having a Pisces Mars makes me no stranger to the passive ways of violence but I will apply it only  to those that serve me the same thing. When my Virgo Mars co-worker hides behind her computer after lying to me, in complete silence, I turn off the music so that we can hear even our breathing in the office. And we wait and we wait and we wait...

With my Leo co-worker I just fight it out and we make up the next day.

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tarnishedglitterr said
i'd say sun/moon square mars, mars conjunct/square/opposite pluto, mars in aries/taurus/scorpio, mars in the 8th.  

I have sun/venus square 8H Taurus mars and opposite pluto in Scorpio lol! Saturn/Uranus in Cap trines mars and moon in Pisces sextile both. No aspects between mars/mercury.

I used to get in fights at school when I was a teenager. Most of the time I did not instigate the confrontation but I also did not cower or run away when a fist was flying toward my face. This mostly occurred with other girls who were in local gangs (I was the weirdo loner, an easy targetq) but I fought with a few boys as well (and won). My mom got married and I transferred to a school where there was a pool; I immediately joined the swim and water polo teams and channeled all of my inner rage into that. I haven't been in a fight (other than sparring/jiu-jitsu/kung-fu) physically since then. 

I enjoy violence and rage channeled into art- through music you can hear it in the voice, lyrics or how an instrument was played, through paintings, depicted in movies (I'm a big fan of medieval battles and gore), in video games (Assassin's Creed is my favorite go to game when I'm mad), and through martial arts where the mind is calmed and disciplined by the body's exertion in a structured way. 

I am fascinated by warrior cultures.

I lived with a kung-fu master for a year and I've never met a more zen guy despite the fact that he could snap your neck in two seconds. He's a Scorpio. Knowing how to fight properly gives me confidence in myself, I am not afraid of physical situations. It has also taught me restraint because I know how easy it is to hurt another person with what I've learned.

I have become a lover instead of a fighter. 

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Fist?  Bump?  😀

From a Saturn Square Mars who has recently learned a hard lesson about passive aggression, repressed anger, and losing it... 

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teeceedee7 said
Fist?  Bump?  😀

From a Saturn Square Mars who has recently learned a hard lesson about passive aggression, repressed anger, and losing it... 


Teeceedee  --  Dare we ask?????  Oh boy.

Overall, this is a great thread.

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Sometimes when a person (Sun) is emotionally hungry (Moon) and the feeling is amplified (Jupiter) but gets blocked (Saturn) from fulfillment (Venus) it can result in sudden (Uranus) fury (Mars) in response to disillusionment (Neptune) which often comes from a conscious or subconscious place of unimaginable wounding (Chiron).

Purge (Pluto) the mind (Mercury) and heal the soul.

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