
What Is Mars in Gem...
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What Is Mars in Gemini Like?

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Let's talk about Mars in Gemini.
What do people with Mars in Gemini want?
How do they get it?
How do they fight?
What about sex?

27 Replies
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Great series of questions (on Mars). 

I don’t know of many so I’ll be interested to read others’ input.

However, my granddaughter is Mars in Gemini (conjunct her sun!). She’s a little whirlwind of activity, regardless of the fact that she’s three! And she’s not a good sleeper. Never has been.

Let me rephrase that: she’s probably a good sleeper for a Mars Gemini. It’s the rest of us that are exhausted! lol

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I'll volunteer.


Knowledge and activity, lots and lots and lots of knowledge. Everyday something new, something exciting and the ability to keep on bringing in more and more things into life. Boredom is the worst enemy.

Get it?

Negotiations, some form of planning, researching to see what it takes to get there and acting on it once you have enough information.

How do we fight?

Now they say it is a war of words with us but for me, it is reading the room and picking the battle wisely. Outnumbered? Then back out, pretend to go along, be indifferent and then come back at a later time with odds in your favor. Build the case, research the opponent through and through to see what some of their weaknesses are, digging up as much dirt as possible, sizing up the fight to see if it is a battle that can be won and then once the time comes just burying them with the evidence. Use words to win over the crowd and turn the mob on the person in question but always check again and again to see if they are rising at all or thinking of a come back, keep some of the dirt for a later time when you have to hit them again.


Talk dirty to me!

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What do people with Mars in Gemini want?

I want to learn! I want to read every book. I want to know everything. I don't have enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do so bad. I want to talk to people. Really talk! I want stimulating conversation. I don't want to miss out on anything which means if I don't watch myself I have the attention span of a gnat. I am that person that sits down to the PC and has 5 windows open, hopping from recipes to music, to this forum while listening to YouTube. I can read and listen to music and absorb them both. I cant sit still. And, while I know I need a deep good nights sleep...I think sleep is a waste of time and I want to be up....ALERT... watching it all, taking it all in...I am usually aware of my surroundings. Nosy...real nosy. I am that lone car driving down the road in the middle of the night with the stereo blasting... because I just cant sleep. I will sleep when I'm dead....that's my motto. I drove my family insane.... she just wont sit still they said....they called me Fidget! Being 'on'  all the time can be exhausting and I do drive myself into the ground sometimes. Then...I might sleep for a whole day...but when I am recharged I am back at it again. I just don't want to miss anything.

How do they get it?

I get what I need by sheer tenacity and stores of energy. Also, forced focus! I Know that I have to make a list and stay the course otherwise it will fly right by me while I am doing 15 things at once. If I make a list the night before....the next day, all tasks will be complete. If I even think about going to the grocery store without a list....I will come home with NOTHING I went there for. Mars in Gemini is a real mental I have to reel in my thoughts and keep them focused. I'm that nut that gets on youtube to watch something interesting and 20 minutes later I am watching someone slice cheese?????? eek_gifAt work, I am easily distracted so I had to pay special attention to that and actually force myself to shut out the noise in the room. Research! I did a years worth of research before I went to school so I could open my business. Then, after I went to school I made sure I worked for (got in the door of) most of the local businesses here so I would know what NOT to do. much research went into all of it before I was ready to bust out. But, that kept me from failing. I get what I want from studying it long before I reach for it. I am always watching....everything. The calendar and alarm on my phone are my best friends.

How do they fight?

Its a full on assault...with WORDS. Words with lots of adjectives. And, Mars in Gemini ...pair that up with some Scorpio and explosive descriptive foul mouth diarrhea. Gemini ...well, you are fighting twins with you'll get two people.  I cant say all my fight is with my mars because my sun knows how to battle too.... so paired up. Not good. This is why I almost flat refuse to do it. Ever, if it can be avoided. It's so bad. Its shameful. I am done with all that.  Unless my death would be the end result, I am not fighting. Not with a Pluto square.  

What about sex?

Phone sex anyone? And, I have to get there though the mind first! What was said above....go on and talk dirty ...I wont mind. embarasseddevilI have embarrassed more than one partner!


What do I need.... (to keep my Mars in check!)

Lots of aerobic exercise or otherwise I would twirl right off the edge of the planet. Without vigorous exercise I don't think I could manage very well. I have learned to exhaust my stores of energy because I have extra....

My husband has said more than once... you are absolutely exhausting haha...

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In Robert Greene's Laws of Human Nature, I was reading the chapter about MLK who had a Gemini Mars. Now it is true that the placement is unfocused at times and I do find that guys with this placement tend to get around a good bit which can make a lot of us who aren't aware of this placement horrible for long-term relationships. 

What I found the most unique in reading about MLK is how he managed to strategize when time called for it and did it in creative ways such as having young students participate in sit-ins. The placement is really good at bring exposure to a situation which is why I think it is the kryptonite to the so called invincible Scorpio Mars which prides itself on secrecy. A Gemini Mars has the true strength of airing your dirty laundry out there for the whole world to see.

As for us being unfocused, I think it depends on how much we care. If something consumes us and has had a big effect on us, we can focus for years and get it. 

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Killer instinct.



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