
What Is Mars In Pis...
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What Is Mars In Pisces Like?

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Let's talk about Mars in Pisces.
What do people with Mars in Pisces want?
How do they get it?
How do they fight?
What about sex?

16 Replies
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ST had Mars in Pisces. 

What do people with Mars in Pisces want?

I think they want to be of service. One of ST’s most-used phrases was “I was just trying to help.” ?   (Sometimes that “help” backfired on him.) 

If they want to get rich, or whatever, it’s so they can be more generous. 

How do they get it?

ST had a lot of faith. Over time, he had tried building wealth through dubious methods, but those attempts fell through. He seemed more successful when he focused more on helping others, and anticipating needs. 

What about sex?

Very sensitive to partner’s needs, and creative too! His disabilities led to some serious coin spent on adult toys and lingerie—every little bit helped. (Nobody judge me.) Mars in Pisces may not be the most aggressive in the bedroom, but they’re probably the most flexible and understanding (as long as you throw the poor man a bone every now and then!)

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Another thing:  Mars in Pisces can be underhanded. ST sometimes tried to get things through sneaky methods and this got him in boiling hot water a time or two!

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That is true, that Mars in Pisces NEEDS to give give give, and be generous and helpful (like their opposite Virgo, being in service)  and they will live happily. if they go through dubious methods and underhanded means and bad intentions, (I have seen this with my ex husband, who is a Pisces mars) they will end up in prison and in bad company. Alot of bad things happened to him because he did alot of bad things, underhanded and he enjoyed hanging out with people who he thought were "bad ass" types, the types that were just mean. He thought he could develop that kind of bad assery too, maybe? 

He was generous though, but the was generous to the wrong people, who stole from him. Which is just so strange. I remember many incidents where he loaned his car, his expensive tools (both his parents came from money so he was more privileged than most)  to ex-cons and then these ex-cons never wanted to give it back and told him to his face that the tools are theirs now. I mean what could he do? beat them up? Nope. There was nothing to do. He always gave gave to the people who treat him badly and beat him up. Yet he beat up people who he thought were "weak". It was really strange. (oh and he was usually stingy to those "close" to him, like me and his mother, and sister, super stingy yet generous to others who were bad to him).

On the good side, I've seen some really great Pisces Mars too, it is an excellent mars for helping those who are in the most need. My sister and cousins have this Mars placements and they are in nursing and working for the government helping children and the elderly, and i notice that their generousity is given back two-fold, they live happily and peaceful. 

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They have a big problem expressing themselves, and their own wants. It's one of the harder placements for Mars.

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My 38 year old daughter is Aquarius Sun, Mars/Mercury in Pisces, all in 9th house.  She just got her Psy.D. in neuropsychology.  She hates, hates, HATES confrontation.  I chalk it up to the fact that her father abandoned her (just refused to see her!) a few years after our divorce, after he remarried.  This made her very insecure in one certain way--- she has immense trouble being assertive about her wants and needs.  When she gets mad, she never says "I'm MAD!"... she tries to understand her emotions logically (which cannot be done), and ends up horribly frustrated and says "I'm confused".  Whenever she tells me she's confused about an interaction, it's my sign that she's angry and is burying it.  She's never married, rarely ever had a boyfriend, at least not during the time she's been in grad school and now she's a Fellow at a Hospital, and just doesn't seem to be very interested, or maybe the word is DRIVEN, to partner up. 

Interestingly, she *can* lose her shit while talking to the cable company.  But direct face-to-face confrontation... nope.  Except with me.  She is comfortable telling me off when she's upset.  I count myself lucky.

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