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Do you think we all end up connected... or realizing we're all connected? It's a Saturn in Pisces questions I guess. Are the lines between us an illusion?

I have Libra but if pushed, I would say, yes. Illusion.


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I’m going to say yes, as I was thinking about a conversation I had with my mother last weekend. It made me realize how we agreed on something, even though her initial comment to open the conversation suggested the opposite.

I’m not sure if that’s what you mean, though. Connectedness in our desire for the same things as humans or perhaps for our need for something higher (higher power but some might say God/Diety/Self/Collective? 

Or the six degrees of separation connectedness?

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@allie120 probably all those things and more.

And now ai has collected the contents of our minds, collected our creativity, emotions, etc. Then we use ai and what is that?

We're also connected by the internet. Our money is combined... The idea there is a wall may be an utter illusion.


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@elsa I see.


I’m struggling between hating all of it (the AI, the deep fakes, the global everything, the complete homogeny of music, hive minds, etc) and wanting to push it away, to fight it; and wondering if maybe I’m just being an older person who “doesn’t understand” and is “behind the times”. Or what?

And what do I do? Understand it? Study it? (Study the thing you fear or despise is not a bad thing.) Be the alternative? Obviously continue to meet my friends, family, and neighbors. Live by example? I’m overwhelmed and afraid of what I see, too.

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In a spiritual sense, I think yes everyone is connected. Individuality, I don't see so much as an illusion, more as a tool for structured learning. We need interplay to evolve spiritually and that can't happen without the appearance of discrete, interacting parts.

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I agree. During the course of my life, anything that silenced the voice in my head, interrupting the blah blah blah commenting on what's in front of me even for a second, allowed the integral connectedness to make itself known. It could be a planned silencing through meditation, or sex, music, thunder and wind, or being hit upside the proverbial head with a shocking thing. It's like connection is sitting waiting to rise into the void.

I don't imagine that I am uniquely able to perceive this. So yes I think at some point everyone has or will become aware of it as well. Certainly in childhood, but most forget it and possibly at death if it's missed during life.

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People think they are in their own boat. The veil lifts and nope! Same boat as me.

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@elsa 😉

row row row your boat

have you ever really listened to the is but a dream Smile

I'll pull an oar in the boat with you any day lol

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@jana yes, some strange things come to light.

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I think we can draw lines that divide or connect. I'm fairly certain that lines that divide us are completely invented. The lines that connect seem more likely to be factual, and the picture they create is probably closer to the truth.

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