
Pluto in Aquarius -...
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Pluto in Aquarius - the end of Free will? What can we do to save humanity?

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For me the answer is to align myself with God. I don't mean that in the sense of a specific religion. I see it as similar to aligning myself with nature.

Also, choosing to exercise the freedom I have available to me, and not sacrificing it in the name of fear.

In terms of others, I believe in respecting and listening to people, and not refusing to discuss or consider anything. It's okay to disagree, but when someone resorts to belittling or shutting someone down, that's a red flag.

One more thing- I think for myself and research for myself. I do not accept what the media tells me uncritically. I am skeptical and look for evidence. I don't automatically believe any narrative that's pushed on me especially if it's fear-based.

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Eleanor D
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That's really lovely SC. Your truth, pure and simple. Thank you.

Eleanor D
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So, how to defeat or at least slow down Mr. Global? I've had this crazy idea - see what you think!

I've given some thought to what Catherine AF said in the vid referred to at the beginning of this thread. She concluded that the drive towards techno-oppression of humans is based on Mr. Global viewing us as no more than commodities to be exploited. As far as Mr. Global is concerned, we only have value as sources for data-mining and (some of us) as labour. That's it. To mine our data, we are all very rapidly getting hooked up to a global tracking and monitoring system - the same as the 'Shy-knees' have already forced onto their own population.

This gave me an idea for one area we can exploit to confound Mr. Global and dilute the returns he seeks to extract from us. I love this idea because it's using pure positive Uranian energy to block or defeat the negative Uranian expression that is techno-oppression. It's also simple, completely legal, fairly easy to do and could be kind of fun. It might even allow new experiences into your life - we all get stuck in a rut sometimes, this Aquarian/Uranian form of pushback might help blow some of the cobwebs away.

So here goes: Mr. Global wants to hook us up to the system to milk us for data, which is becoming just about the ONLY commodity worth having as far as governments and big business is concerned. To this end, our every movement is tracked via our phones, automobiles, via multitudes of CCTV cameras etc. What we buy is tracked through our credit cards and what we want is tracked through online clicks. What we think is tracked via social media, forums like this one, by our texts and conversations, via surveys and polls.

They're extracting all this data from each and every one of us. Then they use this or sell this data to predict our behaviour so they can steer us into certain behaviours, stop any behaviours that work against their agenda and primarily, get us to hand over our energy and assets.

They extract our data to use against us to keep us on the treadmill, forced to run so hard we can never jump off.

Well, how about if we let them extract data that we ourselves have corrupted?  This has been done very successfully recently with election polls (people have been lying, saying they will vote for X, when they really intend to vote for Y). Or joining political parties they despise. This has completely screwed up election strategies.

Think about it, I drive to the supermarket. My phone (even if it's turned off) and the GPS tracking system buried inside any modern car (mine isn't) follow my route to the store. The phone will record any conversations that might take place in the car. CCTV cameras and facial recognition software provide further detail - who's driving, who are the passengers etc. When I get to the store, my entry into the car park is logged, and the cameras placed everywhere in the supermarket track my every movement, note what products I consider, which ones I buy, any comments I might make, conversations I have. I get to the check-out. My purchases are logged by both the supermarket and the credit card company.

If I buy online, my every mouse movement, every click, is noted. A history of my purchases is recorded.

At home, 'smart' meters and 'smart' devices record my usage and - through a new back-door being placed in phone and meter software - smart and bluetooth devices around the home can be turned into microphones and even cameras,  recording conversations and activity around the home.

I try to avoid some of this by having an old car, old appliances and not taking my phone with me, unless I feel I need to. But there's another way - one that will mess with Mr. Global's head.

How do we do this? Consider: how about taking your phone and going somewhere you would never, ever normally go. Or maybe you might just decide to suddenly buy stuff you would never, ever buy (give it to a friend, or if it's food - a food bank). Better yet, if you can get some family or friends to join in the fun, you could occasionally swap phones, or buy stuff for each other. You buy your friend's favourite junk food, and she can buys your organic oats. In this way, you are corrupting Mr. Global's precious data - the only thing he cares about, The reason he wants us all hooked up.

When you look at stuff online, you might occasionally Google (which tracks everything) instead of DuckDuckGo (which probably doesn't) - then, using Google, click on an read stuff you would never in a million years read. You will have to linger, running your mouse over the text, because that's tracked too. You can always read a magazine or do some arm exercises if you get bored. So, Mr. Global sees you've suddenly developed an interest in, say, potholing. For good measure, visit some potholing equipment sites, bookmark some stuff and maybe even lurk on a potholing forum. Next week, you're suddenly into lowriders. You might even go to some related event. Have some fun with this! Pure Uranian fun!

I've given some examples above, but Elsa people are smart, funny and often very contrary - I'm sure you can think of some even better ideas. This need not take up too much time, even a few minutes a day might be enough to seriously screw up all the goodies they've extracted from you. If their sell your profile on to another party, it may prove worthless for their purposes. If enough of us did this, all those algorhythms they're constructing to tighten their grip on all of us will go haywire!

My friends are as crazy as I am - I reckon at least a couple will be up for joining me in this. We're a bit bored with all this lockdown stuff anyway. HUGE fun, I reckon!

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@eleanor-d I've been doing this for years. I have tabs open to places that will skew my profile. I know I'm pretty good at it because when I go to the website of major store(s) where I shop, it thinks I am in another state.  

Cookie auto-delete is also great. You visit the site and when you click away, it dumps all the cookies in seconds (unless you white list).

The most important thing you can do is quit giving money to companies who abuse you. Support independent business. Consume less? 

"Claw" your way out of your bad habits.  Replace them with good habits.

Edit to ad, also, get rid of the apps on your phone. Everyone wants you to download their app. Have you seen one of the vids that exposes what your phone is recording in your house, as you walk through it?  It identifies the objects on your kitchen countertop for example. 

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I am hearing this in other places. Put weird stuff in carts and leave it there.

Search platforms for odd things.

Five minutes a day will wreck the data. 

Quit having everything delivered!

Eleanor D
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Poison the data well...

poison the well
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Are we giving our consent for the very things that enslave us? If so, how do we withdraw that consent?

Resist, resist, resist. Don't give them an inch. Cling to nature.

Humans were meant to have free will - how can we hang onto that?

Resist, resist, resist. And rise up. Demonstrate, go on strike and/or expose those mf-ers on the internet the whole day through.

Can we claw back the 3D life that was taken away from us and replaced with a 2D facsimile?

We are moving onto 5D I believe. not 5G. 5D.

Staying strong - how are you looking after your mental and physical health?

Yoga, zumba, sex, cuddling with my cat, purifying our water and eating too much food.

How can we help our children? Our loved ones?

By informing other people.

Is moving closer to nature an important step in the right direction?

Definately! Take of that mask and breathe in freely the air at the beach or in the woods.

Are there any spiritual actions we can take to protect ourselves or halt this process?

We've got to pray just to make it today. And sing. Sing your little heart out. It's good for the immune system. Just like hugging.

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I also use a lot of browsers. I use all of them... well, chrome, firefox, edge, opera, dissenter, duck duck go, samsung, vivaldi and silk on Kindle...

Seriously, I use at least five of these, each day, for different things and different reasons.  I'm mutable!

I would go as private as possible but can't due to this site for the most part. I'm also tied to windows because of the investment in of my astrology program.  But I also don't have to be a sitting duck.

On the chance we go to a social credit system, I feel it's prudent to game this.

If you do what I do, you'll see how the &(&^ with outsiders. For example, it has taken me a solid five minutes to get past a Recaptcha. This is the passive-aggressive way they punish /torture people they don't like. 

When and if this happens to you, you'll innovate as I have.  
It's like being a rat in a test cage.  You have to ping certain things so you don't get zapped. 

Eleanor D
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I guess I've been doing quite a few things along the same lines as Elsa has stated here. I just naturally shy away from anything that wants to track me. Maybe it's my packed 12th House. I'm very law-abiding, but it simply creeps me out to know I've got something recording my every move. My husband feels the same. We use Linux instead of you-know-what. Much to my friends' astonishment, I have zero apps on my phone. I have never used Sat Nav, or Google Maps. I use a physical map and maintain my good sense of direction. Plunk me down anywhere and I can find my way back every time, without any gadgets or even a map most of the time. This forum is as close as I get to social networking. I reluctantly use email and text friends, but I hate usng these methods. The truncated communication and reduced vocabulary this forces us into dumbs us down and keeps us from sharing the full extent of our true thoughts and feeling. Words paint pictures in the minds of those you share your thoughts with. I like to have a full pallette of colours to work with. If I see someone in person, they get the full Rembrandt. if I have to try and communicate the same thoughts and feelings via text, they get a stick man. I have a phone - I prefer to hear your voice, especially on my landline and not a mobile. But even more so, I much prefer to actually actually see and speak with you in person. I explain to others seeking to lure me into that crack cocaine known as Soom and Dwitter and Wastebook that I feel a powerful psychic aversion to these things. I really do. It's like the reversing of two magnets, I am physically repelled. 

I handwrite the occasional letter, and keep a handwritten diary. Virtually everything my husband and I have bought for years is second-hand. We buy from thrift shops and flea markets and pay for as much as possible with cash. This means we can live well on a very modest income. Both of us have cars that are over 20 years old. We keep them well maintained and because they aren't fully computerised, our friend who is a mechanic can easily fix them (thought they seldom go wrong) and of course they don't have tracking systems in them.

I have only just started to once again grow my own food. I tried this many years ago and gave up because my garden is exceptionally difficult to work (it's small and boggy and backs onto open fields), but I've taken this up again and it's many challenges have kept me physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. Trying to figure out how to outwit the swarms of bugs, the various funguses, and the amazing variety of all the worst weeds is keeping my mind nimble. I have even managed to grow a few things very successfully. The spiritual contact to be had from gardening mentioned here by others is very tangible. Nurturing plants and plunging my bare hands into the Earth feels fantastic - it's very grounding. 

Relationships are very, very important to me. Always have been, but now more than ever. One of Mr. Global's main drives is to socially isolate each of us, and prevent us from communicating except in situations in which all our associations, movements and words are monitored and tracked. I will not have this. I go out of my way to maintain close communication with all my friends and special people in settings where we can breathe a sigh of relief that Mr. Global isn't perched on our shoulders, recording everything. I leave my phone at home. Living in a land where we've been under some form of lockdown or restrictions since last March - with an even stricter months-long lockdown due to be announced this evening - I've had to work at maintaining close relationships and supporting my loved ones in every way possible - but I am doing it. They in turn have supported me. I've been through some dark times myself recently, but my friends pulled me back out into the light. My love for them is even more powerful as a result, and I let them know it. I will soon begin painting my own greeting cards with poems I've written and I will post or hand-deliver these to my friends even if we're forbidden from seeing each other.

My spiritual life is very important to me, although in the first months of this craziness, I didn't do any of my usual daily practice, but instead began roaming and exploring the gorgeous ancient countryside I am lucky enough to have right on my doorstep. I walk tracks laid down by the Romans and visit sacred sites that are now known to have been constructed at least 4000 years ago. This powerful sense of the ancient past helps put things in perspective. Everything and everyone is here forever. This nightmare we're in right now is just one moment in eternity.

Libra Noir
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What keeps coming up for me is how important it is to actively oppose dehumanization. I look at the ways in which populations have been enslaved in the past and it always starts with dehumanization, otherwise atrocious things could not be committed. 

For instance, I was just reading an article on the way the Nazis used humiliation and dehumanizing practices against the Jews and others, like the shaving of the head, subhuman living conditions  etc. One officer at Treblinka was quoted as saying that those practices were actually for the benefit of the officers so that they could more easily carry out the murders. 

I’m just going to be honest about how I feel here. I feel that masks are a way of disconnecting us from eachothers humanity. Other restrictions too are lacking in humanity. Politics as well. Each side is encouraged to dehumanize the other. There’s a million of other subtle ways that we are dehumanized or encouraged to dehumanize others as well. Now that I’ve kind of keyed in to that particular aspect of the abuse being inflicted on humans, I vow to stay vigilant within myself about this. 

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