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Destructive Anger

Posts: 2318
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Joined: 19 years ago



It seems anger can consume a person. A person can become angry and wreak havoc on another person but what about people who naturally seethe or rage or however their Mars may express.

Have you seen a case like this? I have.  A single person's anger can destroy anyone living in their proximity.  It's like toxic waste that radiates out?

With the very rare FLARE UP, I have always had some check on my anger, probably because if I did not control it when I was a kid, I'd be dead for sure.

I remember going to therapy, thirty-five years ago. One of the first things I learned was to channel my anger.  Astrology helped me to refine this and writing gave me an outlet, as did exercise and going to the gym.

What do you know about destructive anger?

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