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People with bad energy

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Am I paranoid, or do I feel that some people just have some nasty energy about them? Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm projecting, or whatever, LOL.

But, have you ever met people with just bad, annoying, or just overbearing energy??!

Have you met someone like this? Why do you think their energy is so bad? Do some people just don't mesh well?

31 Replies
Posts: 42
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Yeah, I agree. For instance, Taylor Swift gives me a bad energy for some reason. She doesn't seem to be a genuine person with her hypocritical, immature way of dealing with Scooter Braun for instance. 

Some people; even not knowing them well enough, can rub you the wrong way. 

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I sometimes wonder if I'm just too sensitive, or whatever?

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I think it's her Cappy rising, it makes her seem like a snob. LMAO. 

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Lila31 said
Yeah, I agree. For instance, Taylor Swift gives me a bad energy for some reason. She doesn't seem to be a genuine person with her hypocritical, immature way of dealing with Scooter Braun for instance. 

Some people; even not knowing them well enough, can rub you the wrong way. 


That's really interesting, because I've always have similar opinion about Her. No positive vibes. She seems to me like... I don't know  - dishonest or even fake person. The same thing with Beyonce - she changed really for worse and I don't get that...

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She's cringe to me too. Disingenuous.
It was okay when she was young but she's Saturn return age now. What you do (and don't do), counts!

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