Weekly Forecast: September 16-20, 2024 – Pisces Full Moon Eclipse

harpy tempestTuesday night we have the full moon eclipse in Pisces. This one snuck up on me, as Pisces and Neptune will. The Neptune flavored Moon slips in as a fog — nothing till it’s everything. A lack of obvious drama obscures how utterly and comprehensively impactful this fateful culmination will be, and yet — its center is everywhere, and nowhere.

Venus in Libra perfects its opposition to retro Chiron in Aries on Monday afternoon. Dysfunction in relationships is smoldering, with a root that goes way back. However, if you’re not actively pressing the point, where’s the pain? Suspended, I suspect. Therefore, there’s likely been a bit of a dance involved. Breezily avoiding stepping on toes.

That ends as the full moon ramps up, as the stage backfills with fog. Venus heads into square with retro Pluto in Capricorn, and we’re faced with the concrete intrusions of problematic past paramours. I say concrete because it’s Capricorn: cardinal and earthy. We want what’s lovely and appropriate, but we’re faced with the addition of the putrid and controlling.

Still, this is manageable. Venus in Libra is a capable partner, and later in the week graces the point of a yod from retro Uranus in Taurus and retro Neptune in Pisces. Those are tactical fairy powers… of surprise! It’s not just relationships here; it’s money and art and beauty, all mixed with inheritance and legacy. What do you REALLY want? That’s the most important question. Be thorough in your answer.

Virgo Mercury can help with that. Early morning after the full moon, Mercury perfects its opposition with retro Saturn in Pisces. It continues to square Gemini Jupiter through Saturday morning. Collective energies for discernment may be stymied or blocked, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t pressed to proceed with your plans. Our senses are both slowed and bombarded with input, a debilitating combination in theory, but it’s the Virgo Sun to the rescue!

The Virgo Sun spends the week in an earthy grand trine with retro Uranus and retro Pluto. After the full moon, it adds in an opposition to retro Neptune to fill in a kite formation. While Mars keeps action close to the heart in Cancer, the mind and senses catch and spin with Saturn and Jupiter, and Venus is assaulted by the stank of the rank… all possible drama is swept up into a meaning-making change machine accessed through the creative ego and ultimately the power and energy of unseen forces. The Sun takes all that full moon eclipse energy and distributes it to best effect. It’s rebirth and innovation and divine intervention, all channeled into your self and your goals.

When pushed, either through the demands of others or circumstances, when offended or overwhelmed, keep your eyes on the prize. Take the time you need to make sense of where you are and what you’re about. Check the honor and validity of your aims, your plans, your overall goals. Are you clean in your motivations? Get that clear in your head.

I present you with two fictional depictions: X-Men and Looney Tunes. In one, Jean Gray is the only superpower left who can stop the godlike villain. As she walks forward, the earth falls away beneath her feet and she continues, walking on air. How is she held up? Heck if we know, but it’s superhuman. Contrast that with Wile E. Coyote who chases The Roadrunner off a cliff, and falls.

The difference is intention. Is yours pure? We’re human; none of us is entirely pure. So do your best to refine that through the aftermath of Tuesday night’s full moon.


Monday’s Pisces Moon trines Moon-ruled Cancer Mars as Venus perfects its opposition to retro Chiron. It then highlights the Mercury-Saturn-Jupiter t-square, carrying through from nighttime to late Tuesday morning. Do you know what hurts? Focus on whether it hurts good or hurts bad, then upgrade your assessments for action. It feels good to protect your connection to divinity, to protect your very soul. For best results, keep it moving.

Tuesday morning, the Moon perfects its opposition to retro Saturn and its square to Jupiter. It then heads into opposition to the Sun for the nighttime full moon eclipse. The Pisces Moon lights up a kite with Sun-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto through the night. Whatever challenges emerge, your mind and body are not restrained to only mundane perception. Literally they may be, but find the center of the storm and flow through to that level where you’re free to float.

Another tip/trick for the full moon? If you’re outclassed, ask for help. It’s that simple. Help will come. Help the help by walking toward it.

Wednesday the Moon hits Mars-ruled Aries and we’re back on Earth! Well, Aries is fire, but it’s also reasonably straightforward. The Aries Moon crosses the north node to square Mars in watery Cancer as Mercury perfects its opposition to retro Saturn. Feel free to pause and contemplate the magnitude of what came before and what the road looks like ahead. Grab some relief that you’re on the correct path now (however tough the terrain presents). An end is prelude to another beginning.

Thursday’s Aries Moon sextiles Jupiter, conjoins retro Chiron, then opposes Venus. Hey! Are we on our way to get the goodies? I think we are! On to bigger and better problems and snacks. Stride out! It feels gooood. Remember humor? Have a joke and a smile. Bring someone else into the mix and feel good together.

Early Friday, the Moon moves to Venus-ruled Taurus for a bit of a lounge and a fill-up. Feel free to indulge, as the afternoon takes the Moon into sextile with Mars and plenty of opportunity to move it, move it. Get your party on! The Moon sextiles Saturn overnight as Mercury’s square to Jupiter peaks. Yammer, yammer, yammer… are you trained up to only tune in to what matters? Patience is for YOU, not them. You’ve got this.

The Pisces full moon eclipse takes place at 25 degrees Pisces with the north node at 6 degrees Aries: not terrifically close, but not so far away either. Lots of bang for the buck. Where does it hit your chart? Where are you set to clear the decks and bust a superhero move?

3 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: September 16-20, 2024 – Pisces Full Moon Eclipse”

  1. That is for ME and thank you for the walk through… much needed. The full moon squares my Sun, trines my Moon and is inconjunct my natal Jupiter all the while the North Node is at my Descendant.

    I fare well with Neptune – my natal Jupiter, Neptune and Moon are loosely connected across Libra and Scorp – not too close but within range of ‘knowing each other’.

    I spare you all the details but something that I began in 2010/11 on the professional and social plane is coming to a head that affords decision making and responsibility. Th whole thing is pretty Neptunian, based on idealism and some say illusion – and what will survive of it will show its substance, if there is any. I think there is, and I am not alone in pushing toward realism.

    Knowing how the universe supports this ‘wave’ this week is priceless, I will heed your advice as good as I can. Thank you Satori

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