Weekend Love Forecast – Whirlwind of Joy!
What do you feel like doing? Mars in Cancer is Mars under the Moon’s rule. With Friday night’s Capricorn Moon, task-work from home is a lock, but what else?
What do you feel like doing? Mars in Cancer is Mars under the Moon’s rule. With Friday night’s Capricorn Moon, task-work from home is a lock, but what else?
This week, just a wee bit of caution is in order. Take care and temper your desires a bit up front, and you’ll stand to gain far more for doing so. You don’t have to go slow, but you should go carefully. Be smart.
All weekend, Mercury moves through the last few degrees of Leo and the point of a yod from retro Neptune and retro Pluto. Overnight Sunday into Monday it heads back into its own rule in Virgo. Up to that point, it also forms a t-square with squares to the waning Pallas Athena, retro Uranus opposition.
Monday’s Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon spends the day moving through the sign to conjoin the Virgo Sun, the new moon. This comes on the heels of newly direct Leo Mercury’s fiery trine to retro Chiron in Aries, with Mercury heading into a fixed t-square with Pallas Athena in Scorpio and retro Uranus in Taurus. The new
Friday’s Leo Moon moves from an afternoon sextile to Venus in Libra straight into a sextile with Juno in Libra, exact by nighttime. This comes on the heels of Venus’ dramatic morning trine to retro Pluto, and the influence of the Sun translates emotional intensity to a balanced passion that soothes the mind and the
For the time being, don’t expect to know exactly what to do. What you like, what you don’t like; what causes pain or pleasure – these are the conditions to interrogate and notate. We’re filling in the bigger picture by observing where the data points are not. What you don’t see is just as significant
Retro Mercury in Leo spends Friday night perfecting its sextile to Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini, with Mars holding its own sextile to retro Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries (exact Saturday). The opportunity to identify and grasp another way to succeed is ripe. How have I not seen this before? To change minds and alter attitudes, follow
In the wee, early hours of Monday morning, the Venus-Jupiter-Saturn t-square finishes. No more running in place after a stationary carrot.