Your Inner Guidance System: Intuition, Instinct, Luck, Faith & Fear

fog machineWe’re living amidst plenty of fog, distortion and deception with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.  One pattern I’ve seen with this, is somehow, in spite of the extreme duplicity, I routinely pick up the phone to find the person, perfectly aligned with the transits in their chart, unbeknownst to them.

I have lost count of how many consultations revealed this to the person calling. Think about it. You fear the worst – the veil lifts and you’re in the right place, right on schedule – how did this happen?

I asked myself that question. Why and how does a person stay on course, when essentially, blinded?

pinataSeriously, it’s like taking a kid, in line to hit the pinata. You blindfold him or her, and spin them for real.  Spin them until they’re dizzy! They still manage to perfectly positioned to take their turn at bat.  This seems a miracle of some degree.

I’ve been thinking about this for a year.  Is it intuition? Instinct? Dumb luck?

I’ve concluded there is not a single answer, other than to say, some people have an internal guidance system that serves them.

I want to note here… having a working guidance system today, does not mean a person’s always had this or always will.  A person who’s inner guidance system is faulty or may have even straight-up, walked off the job, is not stuck in that mode!  It’s still in you!

People always want to know… what’s the ASPECT? What sign gets the glory? Is it mine?

I don’t think this works that way. I don’t think it way. I think it works many ways.

Some people follow their gut. Some have intuition, some have brains, some have luck, some actually benefit from their fear, as they’re careful or they stack funds for a rainy day and such.

This is a vast topic from what I can see.  I think we all have an inner guidance system, but many are preoccupied  / distracted by trivial things.  Others don’t trust themselves. Thy get hijacked by brainwashers aka influencers and become disconnected from their inner selves.

Yesterday, I had a good friend of near fifty years, tell me he felt I got in trouble in life, because I always wanted to help people.  Honestly, I think you could translate this to mean, I always want to act in a moral way.

Either way, if he is correct, I can (and already do) expect trouble for the rest of my life.  My point here, is if I were to react to this observation, I would have to abandon my inner guidance system and start living a lie. Whatever I might gain… well I’ll never know.  And it all comes down to this one day…

I got this from a book.  It’s been 30 years or so, I don’t remember what book. But I was suffering low self-esteem at the time. The author recommended a person look in the mirror and tell myself, this: “I will not forsake you.”

I did this. I did it a number of times it worked.

“Me” as I was created, helps people. I’m stickin’ with the “me”, God intended.

I can tell you, my inner guidance system feels on and utterly operational. It’s possible the key thing here is to be yourself… which reminds me, I keep asking. WHO ARE YOU?

Tell us about your inner guidance system.

12 thoughts on “Your Inner Guidance System: Intuition, Instinct, Luck, Faith & Fear”

  1. So true, I know people who function like clockwork, some within their charts, others within mundane, some in synchronicity with both and are completely unaware, that is how I know the heavens guide us : )

    It is ourselves who will block us, even if the cause is external, by others, we may unfortunately by their actions block ourselves or from others as well, believing in ourselves is paramount, the lack of is slavery of our minds and others minds.
    I think it is great you help people as you do, I was so lost myself, my own chart, the world around me, the mundane, others actions, when times get tough now, telling myself I am strong, leads to healing, focus, strength and opens my natural abilities, freedom.
    : )

  2. This topic is timely for me! I love it! Had two great instances lately where my intuition was validated.
    One was light and airy and the other was an unexpected gift of the perfect little red purse I decided to “look for”.
    As a kid, I was told that little voices in your awareness are the devil’s voice and we should never act on such things. When I changed religion/philosophy, I was told intuition was a gift and I should be grateful that I could “listen to it.”
    What I found over 40 years of Buddhist practice is that for me, whether I listen and act or not depends on my life condition in the moment. I value that gift and have learned to use it for my benefit and the benefit of others. Healing hands and all that!

  3. Who am I? I’m Angie🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Instinct vs Intuition… I don’t know what I *have*, but I do often do something without really thinking about it, and it works out. Sometimes it doesn’t until it does, but that’s the journey. I’m not impulsive or a major risk taker, but yeah, I go with my gut, inner voice, whatever.
    I’ve made friends with myself. We’re very happy together 😂

  4. “unbeknownst to them.”

    Conscious cerebral awareness – self knowledge with a small s – tags along behind dark instinctual thrust and direction. Usually the last to know…..
    The Sun and Jupiter – the 9 th and 10 th houses – have only a limited degree of power when it comes to navigating the exterior world. When the bottom of the chart – the IC and soul – animates us from a center of dark instinct – things work out in surprising ways.

  5. I just saw something on the “gas planets” Earth, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter, form a square in Oct. and last time that happened Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. Any thoughts on that?

    1. Not real. For starters, Saturn and Neptune do not aspect each other in October.

      I checked October 2025 and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will trine Jupiter (exalted) in Cancer.

  6. Great post and wonderful topic to reflect on. It’s easy to go through life without assessing all the tools we’ve got in the glovebox, the trunk, etc once in a while. Can I say I think I have both? I’ve always been intuitive and that’s something that people in my life tend to recognize, I tend to be someone that people want to talk to about things they are going through, and it always makes me feel good to be useful. I have also developed a stronger relationship with my intuition through divination, and I like the use of images and symbols because it’s easy for me to visualize with my eyes closed and just be receptive to what pops in. Sometimes what I get surprises me or is hard to believe, and then I know it’s probably spot on. lol.

    But lately I realize more and more that some of what I chalked up to intuition might, in actuality, be instinct. I can pursue a thing doggedly once I realize I want it, and that’s when instinct gets used more heavily; it seems to activate based on desire level. Whereas intuition, when I experience it, it’s like neutral knowing, it arrives quickly and it’s just there. Maybe instinct can ‘borrow’ insights from intuition at times? Both tend to guide me well.

  7. When I read this I thought of this Woven Energy podcast where a British guy spent much time with real shamans (not this new white shamanic “journey” hippie type that thrive on privilege and money to meditate to drums and call it a journey at expensive retreats) but genuine shamanic technique. He brings up running as fast as you can in the woods, n the dark. That obviously you can’t do it until you’ve spent enough time in nature to have genuine instincts again or its dangerous. I do think we’ve lost much of who we’re meant to be as humans. ( our genuine purpose) The well oiled machine is well known to the ruling class and they all have astrologers in their pockets to try and keep control. We all feel like cogs in the wheels of this machine that astrology exposes brilliantly. Fear can be awesome if combined with excitement and curiosity, even courage. I see manifesters tell us to stay away from fear or you’ll manifest it.. I’ve never had a worst fear come to life and rarely what I focus on comes true like they claim. Balance has been key for me (not throwing away difficult lessons anymore than good times) .Learning when my body speaks “no” which if I ignore.. it’s to my own detriment… definitely equates with being myself. I have Mercury Mars conjunction as well, 4th house tho. It’s very difficult to write short comments!! My mind spins million miles per hour!

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