Dealing With People Who’s Beliefs Clash With Your Own

clashThis is not a political post, it concerns relationships.  I also think what I have to say, applies to all, in one way or the other.

This is a common scenario in today’s world. You meet someone and you like them.  Maybe you even really like them and they like you too.  You’re going along having a human interaction. It feels good!

At some point, one of the parties reveals their political beliefs; more importantly they tell you of their contempt for people on the other side.  You’re on the other side!

Now what are you going to do?

Will you tell them, hey!  I’m one of those people you hate!  Will you tell them nothing?

Will you continue to know the person and simply refrain from mentioning your beliefs?  Will you tell ’em, to shove it?  “You don’t like me, well I don’t like you either…” This, even though you do like each other?

Seriously, how are you dealing with this in 2024? Libra wants to know.

23 thoughts on “Dealing With People Who’s Beliefs Clash With Your Own”

  1. If I like the person and think my truth telling will kill off the relationship, I say nothing.

    It’s hard enough finding friends and people I feel comfortable with. I can accept that my beliefs are not compatible with theirs but I am not so sure they can.

  2. Honestly: my answer would not be different from 30 or 40 years ago: it’s ok that people think differently. It is not a threat to anyone’s existence, and I would love them the same as I would anyone, that is penultimately trivial to me. Lots of folks don’t feel that way anymore in 2024, and I don’t know what we do. Human to human has been erased from our collective set of values. People trust their phones more than other living, breathing, humans, even if said could change their lives. I no longer know what we do.

      1. It happens a lot in my family, especially with the upcoming election. “Agree to disagree” means that you are allowed to stick to your opposing opinions and (like the famous Beatles words from their song)…”let it be.” We agree to avoid the topic and don’t discuss it.

    1. So if this happened to you, would you say you felt differently, and then close the subject? Or would you say nothing and not bring it up again?

      And what if the other person is passionate and brings it up a lot?
      Do you continue to just listen?

      And can the relationship continue with the other person presumably thinking you agree with them, or possibly not caring one way or the other?

      These are real questions I have, not challenges. Libra is struggling with this. I really hate strife.

  3. We get the day to play night to rest
    That’s the roll chin up wave and smile girl we all see different things I have forever have wanted to experiment with flower petals on our eyes to completely blind us confuse us distract us and get us to smile because of our differences were all different we all have different problems. We can’t be the same why would be think the same ?smile and wave. i’ve been trying the gesture of pulling my hair behind my ears, holding my chin and saying interesting. I felt like that before, and then the story ends.

    1. I understand this, I think. If I do, this is pretty close to how I handle it. I am just concerned about being disingenuous, or misreprenting myself. This is not something I do in relationships. I have Venus Neptune so I’m very careful in this regard. So concealing things is not my way. I am trying to find a way to go here, that allows me to mind my own standard.

  4. I think it depends on what the issue is. We can live with some things, but certain things are deal breakers. There are some strong values that I am not prepared to keep quiet about. I don’t really want to hang around or have a conversation with anyone who for example is racist. I will call them on it, no matter who they are. I think pick your battles is a good way to live, and I believe that I am a very easy going person most of the time, but I draw the line on some things. Yesterday something came up in conversation with a new friend, we found out we don’t agree on a political issue. I tried to discuss things reasonably, but we were polarized on the issue at hand. I could feel a lot of discomfort between us, and it threw me off balance for the rest of the day. We said goodbye amicably, but there was awkwardness. I wondered if he would still want to be friends. From my perspective, I think we can still be friends on this issue, and just agree to disagree. It’s not a dealbreaker for me, although it’s getting close to it. I think the ball is in his court on this one. So for me, it depends on the issue at hand.

  5. i’d ask them why. be curious. try to understand what’s going through their head. find the root thing at play
    had a conversation like this recently, actually. with a guy who can’t stand women who are into astrology lol.

      1. I did.
        A friend of mine of at leat 10 years was talking generically about exactly something that describes me. She said “they are all corrupt and lazy”.
        I reminded her I and other friend were one of those, if she really thought that about us. By the way, I was really angry at the time but didn’t confront her, just asked politely. She couldn´t apologize more and said that not, that she didnd’t think that about as.
        I don’t know really if she changed her mind or just didn’t talk about the subject with me anymore. We are still friends, not the closest but friends nonetheless

      2. i didn’t id myself. though he might’ve known. he has seen my bookshelves! asked why he thought that way. guess he had a number of toxic exes who were into it.
        also i think there’s an issue with people who use it to justify rigid thinking…

        1. Interesting. Thank you!

          What emerges here is, take it case by case. I also realize I probably have more of a problem, due to Venus Neptune. People just make up who I am.

  6. To be honest, there are some I gently say (and let’s highlight gently)….. I don’t feel comfortable with that or even I totally disagree on blah blah blah. Sometimes I see a look of horror on their face. I feel disappointment because that spark we had just dimmed and with some it’s plain out. Can we go on and talk about what excites us? Well, if politics get in the way for them then NO. There are Gemini people who will chat you to exhaustion or the Mars in Aries who run shot gun over you if you are not in total agreement. To be honest again, here I am silent. Do I know where their planets are? No I don’t. It’s just a feeling I get in their presence. You know what I mean. It’s easier to keep it to yourself and carry on with some people.

  7. I was in this situation in 2004. I had a so-called friend who kept pestering me about my political stance and I finally told her and she threw a fit on me. Needless to say, we never spoke again and it was really no big loss to me.

    1. If a person is that hard core, I don’t know why they don’t pre-qualify their friends.

      In a way, it’s a set up. They make up your reality for you, initially. When you turn out to be yourself, you’re dumped and it’s bad feelings all around.

      1. I was fuming about it because she just refused to let it drop and this was way before the DT situation.

        I agree that people like that should come out and say if you do x, y, or z the way I do, then we can’t be friends. It would save time.

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