Full Moon in Aquarius. 2024 – Dramatic, Disruptive & Unexpected News

aquarius space manTheย  full moon @ 27 degrees Aquarius will take place, midday, on August 19th, 2024.ย  This one packs a punch, for sure.

This is an easy call because Uranus will square the sun and moon, exact, and I mean, there are just four minutes separating.ย  Mercury is also involved. This is why I mention, “news”.

Unfortunately, Mars will also be acting up as it squares Venus in Virgo (detriment) and Saturn in Pisces.ย  We can hope Jupiter offers protection, but we’re still looking at Mars square Saturn here.ย  That’s a harsh combo of the highest order.ย  All of this hits my chart, hard. I can feel the tightness in my chest, as I type.

The what, when, why, how, etc. is all unknown and unpredictable, due to the Uranus factor.ย  ย I’d not get wrapped around the axle over this, even if you’re in a precarious position as I am.ย  It wouldย easily be a happy surprise (Jupiter Uranus), hopefully without a “pound of flesh” to pay for it (Mars Saturn).

My thought is that there will be separate events or multiple events.ย  We may see events cascading with this.ย  That would explain the good and bad flavors, dished up at this time.

full moon Aquarius 2024It looks like most will be caught up in this, one way or the other.ย  Widespread, is the word I want.ย  Even if someone wants to contain it, I don’t think they’ll be able to. You can click the chart to enlarge it.

As for how to deal with this, with all the mutability, be ready to change up. Be ready to pivot… and act with valor.ย  You may need to step in and assist someone.

That’s the other thing that strikes me. People have been dealing with things like this; threats, if you will, by isolating.ย  This charts looks opposite that to me. It’s more like people in the streets, protesting.ย  Perhaps the shoe drops on the financial stuff.ย  I don’t know.

Innovate (Uranus), think on your feet (Mars in Gemini) and act with compassion (Pisces) if you’re on scene and able to help (Virgo).

This has the potential to deliver a life-changing happening or series of events.

However,ย  I intend to be around, come August 20th!

Do you have planets that will be impacted by this full moon?ย  What are you looking for here?ย  What do you want?

27 thoughts on “Full Moon in Aquarius. 2024 – Dramatic, Disruptive & Unexpected News”

  1. My half birthday, so conjunct my sun by 3 degrees. And Iโ€™ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop at workโ€ฆ A month ago I finally reported my abusive boss to HR.

    She has a sun- Mercury conjunction from 12-15 degrees Pisces, so sheโ€™s getting hard, too. Plus Saturn is about to retrograde over her sun and mercury. I have nothing in the middle degrees of Pisces, thankfully!

      1. Thank you! Iโ€™m so anxious I havenโ€™t been sleeping. My hope is that Saturn will serve up some karma as it retraces over her sun and mercury. But any words of wisdom is greatly appreciated.!!

        1. I have Juno in Aquarius at 27! Iโ€™m also expecting to receive a decision regarding my career the day before this full moon in Aquarius. Iโ€™m trying not to be anxious. What can I expect? Thank you.

    1. This is the day after my great grandson’s birthday. It squares my sun and saturn which are at 24 degrees. Hopefully it’s not bad but good news.

  2. Hit by the (mutable) t-square; fixed one- not so much (just the aqua moon conjunct bml). Please god, no major fuckups! I’m just this close to completing a change. Fingers crossed.

    1. Hmm…I think I like that Pluto is not featuring in any of the 2 t-squares. Maybe we can count on the ick-factor being absent

  3. Neptune sitting at Scorpio 26 deg, 7th house. Alongwith Mars sitting at Sagittarius โ™๏ธ 26 deg, 8th house .

    No idea what might pop up. But yes, many things are going in my surroundings.

  4. Thereโ€™s supposed to be some connection to Pearl Harbor with this time surrounding the full moon. A peon like me probably has little to worry about. Jupiter trine my sun? Iโ€™ll just run with that.

  5. Thanks for the heads up. This will be exact on my natal moon. Iโ€™m already dealing with Uranus opposite Uranus and my natal moon being squared by transiting Uranus. Iโ€™m having so much anxiety coming up, seemingly out of nowhere. I feel so trapped. Iโ€™m hoping all of this starts to pass soon.

  6. Avatar
    Anna Risingsign

    Exactly conjunct my Saturn.
    I like my Saturn so have a feeling something good is going to come out of it. xxx

  7. Well this is hitting my personal planets. Moon will conjuct my Sun at 1st degree Pisces. Sun an Mercury are on my Leo MC. And Mars exactly on my natal Mars. Seem like something to do with men in my life, maybe father or husband. You never know with Uranus.

  8. This is my solar return chart. I saw this one coming years ago and the first time I recognized the extent and exactness of all the T-squares and it hits my chart HARD!, I went weak in the knees. Said out loud ‘how in the hell are we going to survive this one??!!!’. I’ve been commenting on this one coming for over a year. So many conjunctions to my chart and that transit Uranus in my Taurus 8th house square my natal 27 degree Leo Sun which is conjunct Pluto (so the hits just keep coming) and transit Jupiter and Mars conjunct my 20 degree Gemini Moon, which the only aspect my natal Moon makes is a square to 12th house Pisces Mercury at 23 degrees. Damn! This is most unfortunate!! And, of course, this one affects the whole world and the charts of Trump, Biden, Kamala, China, India, U.S., Israel…… and on and on.

  9. Yes! I do get this, Elsa, so relating to the way you describe it……natal Moon virgo 15 (11th h), Sun gemini 18 and Mercury gemini 15 (8th h.), Uranus leo 26 (10th h.). Emotions have been arising in my intimate relationship (multiple fast-paced emotional/ loss situations). We’re both listening and responding to the call to bring light/ action to the dark stuff, and not without the responsibility of taking self-care which is to process personal trauma w/awareness …..all of which is being simultaneously lit up. My stuff is lit!!……Slowing down, “staying in the boat”, breathing to release, showing up and bringing the confidence I know I’ve got in me. I have found it a relief to offer intuitive help thru these transit situations. It’s been intense, but okay. Trusting in the end all which is emerging needs to be…..compassion, grace…..helping out w/eyes on the humanness of it all.

  10. Moon at 28 degrees Aquarius in my 8th house. Sun in Pisces at 26 degrees in my 9th. I just reluctantly retired from my career due to massive pay and policy changes . My world is in flux and anxiety is on high these days. Only good news please !

  11. This Full Moon is exactly on the Moon in the USA chart – Aquarius 27ยฐ.
    What a day for a Convention! All of America will be feeling emotional!

  12. Yeah this looks big ๐Ÿ˜•

    As for me, Pluto is on my sun but thatโ€™s been going on for awhile. Saturn is opposite all my Virgo planets.

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    the laughing goat

    I have a colonoscopy that day and the last time I had a colonoscopy on a full moon (in Scorp, kind of fitting, lol) they found multiple polyps, and one was rather large. It was piecemealed out and I had to do a 6 month follow up colonoscopy to make sure they got it all. No cancer, thank goodness. They tattoo a small mark in purple ink of where the large polyp was located as a reference point – my first tattoo! Maybe TMI but it makes for interesting conversation with people around my age group who are getting colonoscopies. Sometimes I’m an over-sharer. Perhaps it’s my Venus in Sag 10H. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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