Full Moon In Aries 2024: Grand Cross – NO TRESPASSING

ariesThe full moon @ 24 degrees Aries will take place in the morning on October 17th.  It will be interesting to watch this one come in.

I say this because the sun, Chiron, Mars and Pluto will be caught in a T-Square. Then the moon arrives on scene, to trigger emotion at the very least.

I say that because the moon is well known to trigger events! In this case, Mars Pluto events.  This could get ugly.  You can see the chart here.

I have Cardinal planets near these degrees.  The Grand Cross will hit the angles of the chart so I can speak to this on personal level. I am not afraid. I do expect challenge and strife.

A Cardinal Grand Cross creates structure.  Not a flowing structure. Not an artistic sculpture. Not a pretty structure. The structure this Grand Cross represents looks like a well defended fortress.

I don’t think trouble is going to come for anyone, but if you run up against another person’s fortress, it’s probably best you back away, because Mars + Pluto in Capricorn is capable of killing to protect itself or it’s family.

Now I know that just reading that triggers people, but it’s correct just the same.

When this thing gets close, just please don’t ignore “NO TRESPASSING” signs.  If you do, know you’ll be taking a big risk. It’s because fear and rage come together here. Does that sound safe to you?

How do you feel about this full moon? Does it hit your chart in some way?


14 thoughts on “Full Moon In Aries 2024: Grand Cross – NO TRESPASSING”

  1. Full Moon in 6th with Mars/Pluto across 9th/3rd—I’m looking for new job opportunities, although there’s no reason to leave mine unless it’s for a seemingly better one.

  2. Capricorn rising, Aries is my 4th, home is a strong concept for me and I’m currently deciding/discussing with my partner where we want to establish for the future.

    I’ve been defending my territory as a good Leo, I’m guessing it’s going to be more intense.

  3. The Mars Pluto opposition will trigger my natal Mars Pluto opposition. huh. Apparently, it’s a Mystic Rectangle. That sounds delightful, fingers crossed.

    Weird, as I am also experiencing a long term Transit Neptune opposite natal Uranus at the same time as a Transit Uranus opposite natal Neptune, which apparently is also a Mystic Rectangle within a little more than 3 degrees. This one is making learn all sorts of things about myself and my ego, so I would expect new revelations with Mars Pluto thing.

    The full Moon in Aries lands within 3 degrees of my North Node, 4th house.

  4. This full moon is on my birthday – natally have 29 Cancer ASC and stellium in Libra in 4th with Cap Moon – all in a strong T square. Like Elsa I have had to make the best of this energy all my life. Although not looking forward to the Mars opp Pluto, I am looking forward to Pluto moving into Aquarius. Pluto has not been kind to me the last few years. My mother passed away with Pluto on my Moon (Pr Moon on my Pluto) then last year my husband unexpectantly passed away with Pluto on my DSC. All the outers are also interacting in my chart. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other with a stumble or two along the way.

  5. Another eclipse that falls on my 10/4H just five degrees from my mc in Aries.. My life has been spiraling since 2020.. pluto back in my 6H, Saturn rx in my 8H and still trying to settle financial obligations from the past two years..Uranus still in my 10H rx and on my mercury moon opposition plunging into chaos my relationship with my siblings and forcing me to live like a nomad. This grand cross makes me feel there is no way out

  6. My natal Saturn in 8th is 20 degrees Aries, Vesta at 22 degree, with my natal Scorpio sun in 3rd at 20 14 the same degree as the FM. Leo asc at 23 23. Natal Pallus close by at 19 04 Scorpio

  7. This Full Moon is a variation of the astrological themes of my life. My lunar return is the same day. The Moon will be conjunct my natal Moon – my natal planet with the greatest number of aspects to other planets. TMars will be in orb of my DC, Uranus, Jupiter conjunction in Cancer, which forms one of the corners of my tight natal Cardinal Grand Cross. The TSun will be conjunct my MC/Neptune/Ceres.
    The Full Moon chart also has a Grand Trine (water) and Grand Kite (with Pluto as the planet at the top of the Kite). I also have a natal Grand Kite that involves my Sun/Pluto/Mercury in Leo, my Moon in Aries, Mars in Sagittarius, with my Neptune/Ceres/MC in Libra at the top of the kit.
    I have a great deal of life experience dealing with transits that trigger or light up most of my natal chart.
    Pluto is a key planet at this time. I am familiar with the energies of Pluto – since it is tightly conjunct with my Sun and Mercury. Usually, my strong Mars (Out of Bounds and in wide conjunction with my AC) lives in harmony (trines). I know when my Mars energy is getting too heated up, and I have been feeling the Pluto – Mars opposition.
    The Lunar Return report I purchased from Elsa (I highly recommend purchasing a full year of Lunar reports) suggests a few areas where I need to be very conscious and perhaps even cautious. TMoon square my natal Mars = caution and being very mindful to not project my Mars. I can feel the rage and process that energy into mindful activities rather than aggression. TMercury triggering my natal Saturn/Lilith = listen to other people’s opinions and ideas with an open mind without arguing — or seek first to understand, then to be understood (which might not be possible in the short term).
    I am so grateful that I discovered Elsa’s astrology community a number of years ago. She does instinctively understand some of the energies I have had to deal with in my life.

  8. The Full Moon will conj my Jupiter in the 11th and Pluto will be conj Ceres in my 8th House.
    Unfortunately that day, I may have Jury Duty in downtown L.A. I’ll be driving on the freeways down here which is always a potential for rage or someone not paying attention.

  9. This has kept me awake for three nights! Natal Sun 23 Aries in 4th and natal Jupiter 16 Cancer in 6th with 29 Cap rising. Devastating lack of confidence, experiencing my sister as secretly menacing yet swimming in the miraculous and gently causing good things to happen in the lives of friends.

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