Astrology Humanizes Strangers & Enhances Relationships

leoI mentioned I was going to an old people exercise class with my husband.  As you might guess, there are old people there.  I tied to home with my job, these days, simply because most of my work comes in, unscheduled.  People just pop up?

Point is, I take a chunk of the day, drive to this minor class and drive back.  No clue where this will lead but hey.  It a change and a healthy one, so deal me in.

I’ve only been to three classes. I noticed the one gal likes, green, and it favors her.  The instructor is casual and quite funny. I have these small impressions, see.

Everyone is retired but me. They can hang in there if they like. While I’ve “met” everyone, I know no one, at least not yet.

The Green lady was wearing green today; here shirt said, “IRISH”. My husband makes remarks to Irish people so I looked at him like, “don’t”.  He knows this, I’m just saying, it was more information, yes?  People show themselves over time. I think this is how it works and it works well, actually.

This gal is/was my favorite, initially, just because she’s so blunt.  My husband went alone, the first time. She told him she hated beards and wondered if he’d shave his in November. Huh?

Anyway, today the announced it was her birthday. I waited for it and sure enough, her age was mentioned.  She looks far younger than she is, but I also learned she’s a Leo with a Pisces moon. She has Mars in Libra, Saturn conjunct her sun, Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Virgo. No wonder I like her. What’s not to like?

Notice I did not look at her chart to find flaws or ways to manipulate or have any sort of control over her. I really don’t know why I looked at her chart; other than the information was offered and I think I should?

Anyway, the next time I see her smiling, as she always does, I will see a Leo woman, shining. I mean, I already knew she was a good person, but I felt myself “warm” to her, even more.

This is my kind of astrology. I never would have thought to write something like this, but I think it’s important now, because so many sit on their ass and pass judgement on people, using their chart as ammunition. I have to write about that too.

Does astrology help you to know people or is it something else?

12 thoughts on “Astrology Humanizes Strangers & Enhances Relationships”

  1. It helps me have more compassion and understanding with my nursing patients.

    The Scorpio sun/Cap moon patient is going to do it his way. He is 96 years old and loves sugar. His scorpio son wants me to deny him sugar!

    Todays patient’s sun is conjunct my Leo moon. The lion king. Spoiled. Cusses me out every brief change. mars sun and chiron 0 degrees. His cap moon opposite his Saturn. great suffering here. And he has LONGIVITY. I thought he was gonna die 5 years ago. A very slow decline. He still has SOME purpose! A bunch of us are all making money caring for him , including his wife.

      1. Geez,
        “Scorpio/Cap does not want to be deprived of his deprivation … atonement.” That’s been needling me ever since reading it. My Cap moon in the 12th house is close enuf to an opposition to Saturn in the 8th to explain the dead ends in my story line.

        I left a tip for that, Elsa. Who else could’ve called it; and who else would I believe. 😏

    1. My brother has been on oxygen for 12 years, Copd, He also has congestive heart failure, Diabetes and prostate cancer. He has had multiple surgeries in his abdomen. Every time we think this is the end he bounces back !. He gave up cigarettes and alcohol The only joy he gets is from eating candy and watching tv. I say let him have the candy. He will be 74 soon as he is a 29 degree Virgo.

  2. Astrology helps me put my instinctive reactions in perspective. Being a Pisces sun, I draw Pisces moon people. Which drives me nuts, since I have worked through my Pisces delusional tendencies (thank you, Saturn!) and have 5 planets in fire. But Libra moon me understands its not their fault, it’s their Pisces moon when they go “biggest victim, this only happens to me” mode, or stay up too late fantasizing about what they’re gonna do with their lottery win (which never happens, lol)
    And I do love them. Astrology helps me see it’s *my fire impatience that’s my problem to deal with. Not my job to try and force a Pisces moon to ‘face reality for *their *own *good’, right? (Yes, Saturn in Sag here🤣)

  3. Im right there with you. If anything, the “flaws”/sensitive points were ever a way of me knowing where not to step. Or tread lightly. Or let go of judgement altogether because hey, they’re wired that way and probably don’t notice it themselves?
    I’ve also now trying to avoid certain people whose interaspects with my chart are too harsh. Not easy though, considering my own chart. I can only hope that it becomes clearer the how to do it safely, and that the ones I’m compatible with finally show up in my life…

    1. “I’ve also now trying to avoid certain people whose interaspects with my chart are too harsh.”

      See, I’m not sure you benefit from that.

  4. Yes, this is what brought me to astrology in the first place . I wanted to understand people. I do tend to make excuses for people because of that. It’s not always in my best interest.

  5. Defin helps with understanding & cos there’s few that speak astrologuese in passing, it’s nice to say to ourselves ‘ah, that totally fits, astro hitting the buzzer again’ lol!! …even where there’s strife it can give you a ‘that’s why we don’t resonate’ explanation, rather than just getting angrier about the lack of resonation! and gimme the dead people! Lol! I like to understand them more too! A relatives letters to his wartime sweetheart were kindly put in the public domain by her later in life and It was nice to get more of a sense of them by checking out their ‘approx’ charts & their synastry.

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