New Moon in Scorpio: Power, Deep Contemplation & Pregnancy

sperm eggThe new moon in Scorpio will take place early in the morning on Friday, November first at 9 degrees.  You can see the chart here.

The sun and moon will trine Saturn in Pisces. This reads as a deep calm, pond, in my mind. Perfect for contemplation.

Mercury in Scorpio’s involvement in a Grand Trine in Water, transformed into a Kite, by Pluto in Capricorn, supports this idea.

As for the “pregnancy” bit, this is where this gets spectacularly interesting. Consider, the co-rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto are tightly opposed.  This chart is a banger, as they say.

There are plenty of ways to read this. I’ve thought about it, carefully and I think the new moon is intensely positive. This is especially true for anyone willing to focus on directing the massive amounts of energy flying around out there.

I used the idea of pregnancy because hey!  The fact that a tiny sperm can trigger a chain of events that result in a unique human, being created is a quintessential expression of unfathomable power of Mars Pluto.  It’s the ultimate creative act.

Think about this when you set your intention. How will to direct and invest this dynamic vitality.  Get humping on something, you know?  This is much better idea, than leaving this energy lying around, to be picked up and used against you.

Last, this new moon hits my Neptune Midheaven conjunction of late. Public.  My recent blog posts reflect this, I think. I do feel this intensely. There is a chance I will need to or want to go, periscope down, for a day or two.

It’s not a bad thing.  I love all this depth. I just don’t want to miss anything and will do whatever it takes to make the most of this.

How do you feel about this new moon in Scorpio?

4 thoughts on “New Moon in Scorpio: Power, Deep Contemplation & Pregnancy”

  1. I was a little spooked when I first looked at the chart because it hits my fixed grand cross. Plus, Mercury oppose Uranus is near my natal nodes. Then I noticed all the sextiles. Mercury to Pluto to Neptune to Uranus to Mars. I feel more optimistic.

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