Saturn Conjunct Neptune In Aries: Sneak Peek in 2025

saturn neptune conjunction in Aries 2025Saturn and Neptune are currently transiting Pisces.  They will flirt around each other in the later months of 2025.

The exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune will take place on, February 20, 2026 in Aries @ zero degrees.  So we’ve got these waves lapping up (Neptune), changing the coastline or the boundary (Saturn), between now and then. There is a discussion of this event here: Saturn conjunct Neptune in Aries.

This a significant happening with a weird twist.  In August of 2025, Saturn and Neptune will flirt around in Aries… coming within minutes of exact conjunction, as pictured.

I would be surprised if we don’t have some strong indication of where we’re going at that time. How many pieces do you need filled in, before the vision is clear?

What do you think we might see, come August, 2025?

2 thoughts on “Saturn Conjunct Neptune In Aries: Sneak Peek in 2025”

  1. I would like to think its about waking up, pulling out of pisces mud and starting manifesting …Neptune will still dream, but this time of something new …Saturn will give structure, discipline and perservance to get there, keep Neptune on leash …I hope artists and pioneres all sorts will find they spark of creativity after long and solitude period … fire will put the water to boil, with care of the Master Chef it should not go over the pot … my generation with natal Pluto in libra will be affected… for Pluto to give up some Control to these new circumstances it will be chalenging ….Saturn/ Neptune will square my Asc & Dsc so I hope my relationships will find the wisdom and balance to adjust to these new energies …

  2. In 1917 the conjunct was in early Leo. There was a huge acceleration of technology, medicine, art and millions of people on the move, not only between countries but continents.
    Surely it felt like boundaries lost but also great opportunity gained.
    I’d like to think that the Aries archetype will be a better influence for manifestation and pioneering than Leo. Not all easy and nice but also not the potential individual ego and hubris of Leo.

    I think we have a real chance to again separate fake from real, the hard way. Young people with Pluto in Sag will benefit and rise to the occasion.

    I’m looking forward to this, knowing that Uranus will enter my 9th house and Pluto my 5th. Neptune and Saturn eventually entering my 7th.

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