Uranus Retrograde: Sept 1, 2024 – Disturbance In The Force

UranusUranus will turn retrograde in Taurus at 27 degrees, midday on September 1st.  The current Mutable T-square is creating enough chaos, I wondered if this shift might go unnoticed.  As it turns out, I think the change will be felt and/or noticed. This is because the planet will be squaring the moon and Mercury when it changes direction.

We’re looking at a disruption in timing or news (Mercury), that you can feel (moon).  Banking and the financial markets are the most likely target, as Mercury rules commerce and Taurus is all about value, cash and hard goods.

Here are your dates and degrees:

September 1, 2024:  Uranus Rx @ 27 degrees
January 31, 2025: Uranus direct @ 23 degrees.

Please note, Uranus will station @ 23 degrees for three months. December 20, 2024 – March 12, 2025.

If you have planets in Fixed signs, near that degree, you can expect your life to be poppin’ with change!  Everyone else should note the house where the retrograde will take place. As an example, this transit hits the cusp of my 4th and 5th houses. I am making changes at home (4th), that free me to get back to living, fun and happy creativity (5th). I’m in the middle of this transition.

It’s notable, Mars will not mess with Uranus during this period. This isn’t really about accidents or anything heated. It’s more cold and detached. Money (Taurus) controlled by an algorithm (Uranus). Bloodless change if you will.

I do think this will be a significant period, simply because Uranus in Taurus has underdelivered from what I can see. It appears to be a slow, slow, slow, then all at once thing. A rug pull, if you will.  Remember there are two sides to every trade.

What would you like to see from this retrograde period?

15 thoughts on “Uranus Retrograde: Sept 1, 2024 – Disturbance In The Force”

  1. This is affecting my midheaven and 4th house with a square. For the first hit, I finally resigned from a 15 year job that was my version of a confidence-stripping marriage. I guess this means I’ll have a couple more turns of the wheel and that my career transition ain’t yet over!

    Since it affects the 4th house, well… I guess some of that will spill there as well.

  2. 8th house, waiting for the payout of an inheritance since January 24. Three people in three countries involved overwhelmed the capabilities of a German buerocracy that still relies on paper letters being sent by mail. Ridiculous but true. But who knows, might be good in hindsight that it takes so long, major changes in the world of finance and currency ahead.

    During that last stretch of 23 to 27 degrees Taurus, Uranus is opposing my Scorpio Mars and inconjunct my Sun in Sag and Jupiter in Libra, at 25/26 degrees. All end periods of Uranus through a sign were times of change, moving home, work changes, relationships. Every entry of Uranus into a new sign was a period of exiting new experience. I’m looking forward to Uranus in Gemini, Pluto in AQ and finally Neptune in Aries, 9th, 5th and 7th house…

  3. This is hitting my 10th house, I’m having my mid-50’s Uranus trine transit and it sure seems spot on in terms of revisiting career situations from the prior trine in my late 20’s.

    This Uranus transit is also squaring my natal Jupiter in the first house and I can’t help but see/feel some big changes coming at work and in my personal identity. I’m excited about the possibilities even though I sense there will be some challenges.

  4. 5th house and will trine my (still recovering/rebirthing from Pluto conjunct transit) first house cap moon 23 degrees.

    Sept 1 I’ll be arriving in a new country to complete a school year. Could not have imagined this if I tried. A country rich in nature and I’ll be very close to the ocean. An entire revamping of my creative environment from the bars and lounges of my ‘gunna be a rockstar’ city life past (let’s repurpose 10th house Scorpio Pluto) to living more with nature, hikes being a staple of life, living in a small rural ish town to learn more about health, humans and community.

    Also squaring my 2nd house sun.and quincunx Libra MC. Internal transformation to be sure that will bloom into this new environment.

  5. My sun is at 23 scorpio. Venus at 27, so I’m all tangled up in this. I just bought a new, wildly high tech car that has basically solved my driving problems. You might recall, my husband drives me. Now, when I need to go somewhere, I don’t have to rely on him, if it isn’t in the cards…because my car drives me! lol but actually I am learning to be a lot more comfortable with driving and taking control. It’s opened a lot of doors. I finally feel a great sense of freedom and am beginning to trust myself in other ways, as well but the driving is the biggest symbol of that.

  6. I come here seeking kindred spirits. You are here !

    Uranus at 23 degrees sits right on top of my natal 10th house Venus. He’s been around there for quite a while. I had career changes which I don’t mind. What I don’t like is the impact on finances. They have been erratic. I have travel plans now that I am retired and I don’t want Uranus messing adversely with the finances that support them. I have Venus square Uranus natally, so I am keen to this vibe.

    Thanks for the heads up, Elsa. 🙏

  7. My closest friend has 27 leo rising and the Uranus square manifests an unusual rash all over her body this month. She is an Aquarian and I love her to pieces trying to help. Her natal Mars conjunct midheaven so Uranus is right there for her. Erratic finances is similar to Judy. She does have Jupiter conjunct her descendant and natal Sun, so I thought she’s always have good health. It’s just unexpected. Me? I’m sewing fun aprons one after another. I’m mutable and have a bin of flower fabric to keep me occupied. Getting them in the stores is the next phase. I’m on it.

  8. Sun at 23d Taurus, 11th house. I would like to figure out what I’m doing with my life! I want to close the circuit with my life’s purpose, so I can better serve my community.

    The circuit includes:
    6H Uranus at 25d Sadge
    10H Venus at 26d Aries
    12H Mars at 25d Gemini

    I think I will need to embody my best expression of Uranian energy in my daily habits and wellness routines, a sense of responsibility around my true desires for independence and leadership, and faith in my ability to spin plates!

    When March rolls around, I see a party in my 9th house. It looks like a celebration of Saturn exiting my 8th (although there is one more pass in 2026).

    The big question mark for me is kids or no kids. I’m 37 now and leaning towards no, but my sun will progress to Cancer in late 2025.

    I should probably come up with a sort of mission statement for myself, because when Neptune enters Aries, that will cross my midheaven, NN, Jupiter, and Venus… so I anticipate needing something fixed that I can cling to.

    Certainly a lot to look forward to. Thanks for outlining these dates, Elsa! 🙂

  9. My sun is at 0 Aquarius in 5H. Transit Uranus is in my 9H. This is a few days before our anniversary. It’s not a milestone year and we usually don’t travel anywhere, just do the fairs in the state. I’m all for no bad news, surprises 😃

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