What To Expect With Mars in Cancer Opposite Pluto In Capricorn

knife fightBased on what we’ve already seen from Mars in Cancer,  I expect the Mars Pluto conjunction to bring serious hell on earth.   Now, I’m sorry but it’s already hell on families, due to what?

Job loss
Catastrophic events

I keep hearing the phrase, “time and pressure”.   Well, that’s what we’ve got here, for good or ill.

Mars Pluto is well known to be potentially dark; you might even say, sadistic.
Mars Saturn is known to be potentially cruel. Capricorn = Saturn.

This is very dangerous aspect.  A potential fight to the death.

Pluto in Capricorn has no issues with intense control or cutting (Mars) someone off at the knees. I do not say this to scare people.  Fear is disempowering!  Instead, you want to get your Mars up. Your courage. Your stamina.  Focus your energy and use it.

Use it for what?

How about healing?  Or self (Mars) transformation (Pluto) on a fundamental level (Capricorn).

How about effective parenting?  Or defense of yourself or the other?

How about pushing your business, ahead?

You see it’s not all bad, but I feel you must pick up the (metaphorical) knife and handle it yourself.  This is much better than leaving it around for someone else to use.

I am thinking of my client, with Mars square her Scorpio moon. She had a rapist break into her house; she kept her focus and avoided being raped.  The gal he attacked the next day, did not fare as well.  There is a third woman he attacked. My client is now leading the charge to get this guy convicted. This is a perfect example of this energy. STAY IN CONTROL.

More here…Mars Opposite Pluto For 3 Months: October 2024 – January 2025

This opposition is focused on late degrees of the Cardinal signs, say 24-29. Also, the early degrees Fixed signs 0-5.

What do you expect from this? Does the Mars Pluto opposition hit your chart?


6 thoughts on “What To Expect With Mars in Cancer Opposite Pluto In Capricorn”

  1. T-Mars is doing its whole Rx in my 12th, where my Sun is at 28 Cancer … it is sextile my natal Pluto, while T-Pluto is squaring my natal Mars. The coming Full Moon is exactly conjunct my Midheaven … square natal Moon at 26-27 Capricorn. Etc.

    I quit all alcohol, as well as cigarettes on the Virgo New Moon (2nd house). I’m doing some deep healing that goes back to childhood to quite recently. I’m chill with others, respectful of their own paths or whatever you want to call it.

    It’s all Very Intense.

    I totally have an eye to remaining calm. Deeply, but loosely — adaptable. On the inside.

    1. They are all going to testify and further… this rapist is popular. His reputation (Capricorn) will be destroyed (Pluto) by the women (Mars in Cancer).

  2. Great writing! This opposition is sitting close to my Aqua ASC and Mars on Dsc.. and my Saturn 29 Cancer.. both of my sons, born 8 years apart have exact aspect of Mars opposite Pluto with Mercury as an apex for the first kid, and Jupiter in the chart of the second son. It is so karmic..
    I am so happy that Pluto leaves my 12th house BTW…

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