
2024 Full Moon in S...
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2024 Full Moon in Scorpio Looks Potent

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It's my husband's birthday so he's definitely impacted. Brooding like a mf'er. Hates medical stuff. Deep  deep brood.

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@elsa Does he have a Scorpio Moon Elsa? I know you said this will hit his ASC. My ex gets like this. He gets moody, paranoid and really touchy on Scorpio Moons. And I get broody or just not as bouyant as I usually am. As mentioned we just avoid each other at these times (and sometimes more!…lol)

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@dawn yes. Taurus sun, scorpio moon

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My heart goes out to you both! 
My ex has a Scorpio Venus. He broods on his Birthday too! He’s a Virgo but pretty watery with Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer (temper like a Werewolf!) and Moon in Pisces. 

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My husband is good.  He left with a mug of fresh flowers and they called him, "Sweetie", many times.


Thanks for the wishes and prayers!

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@elsa ❤️ Again, my money is on the bull. Whew... so good to read this! 

E was this his eye surg? Sending the bull all the good energy we have left over here. Good for him... 

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@soup Yes, he has cataracts and also glaucoma. They have done pressure surgery twice, so this time the did some kind of implant.

He's knocked out and I'm glad because his birthday brooding this morning, was something to behold!

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@elsa Aww... I know you are going to take good care of that man. I can't stand my b'day anymore either, so I get it. And this moon and all the nutty energy. Poor man... I hope he is feeling better tomorrow... I know it takes time to adjust. My parents went through it, and I will too, soon enough. Some rest will do him good.

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@soup he could read signs on the way home, as well as I can without his glasses. This is going to be a boon for him. He has not been able to see out of the one eye, for a year or more.

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@elsa My parents started to need readers in their late 40s and then stronger ones as the years passed. 

They died without glasses or any need for glasses. They could see everything. And read everything. My mother was shocked and hired help to come in and clean her house. She said she could see things she hadn't known she was missing for years. She felt like the house was dirty. (It wasn't) Now that she could see she wanted people to come in and clean things. 

I have never needed glasses, but I am in readers now. I know I will need or may need that surgery soon. I am way too chicken to do it. The thought of someone in my eyeball scares me to death. My hat is off to him and anyone who can trust someone to work on their eyeball. It scares the crap out of me. 

That is wonderful that he could read signs already. What a Birthday gift! Good for him, and you too. This is a win to celebrate. 

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@soup Yes, he is doing well, but just woke up, bitchy. Funny, but bitchy!

"They gave me a big yellow and black pill, told me it was for pressures."

"How is this pill going to work by the time I have the surgery (two minutes later)?"

"Don't you worry about it, Sweetie".

"Then, she takes a blanket from the "oven". Do you want a blanket, Sweetie, she asks as she lays it on top me..."

I have been in these things with my husband. He lies on the table with every muscles in his body, STIFF. Like his feet are stiff, at 90 degree angles. It's hard not to laugh. He's a damned rhinoceros! 

He comes out, carrying his coffee cup full of pink blooms. This when I know he's high as a kite.

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@elsa Did you giggle? 🤣

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@soup yes and he was too high to notice.

Sue Ellen
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@elsa This is good news. Very good news. I hope he continues to do well.

 When my eyes were done, I wore an eye guard and bandages overnight. The surgeon took off the guard the next day. Repeated two weeks later for second eye. 

I wear line-less multi-focal glasses for driving, etc. I use readers when reading a book. I usually go without any glasses, but can’t see anything close. I chose far vision lenses.

I have a photo of my husband before a clavicle repair surgery.  He’d had his first presurgery meds by IV. He looks drugged. Eyes are a little unfocussed and wearing a big Sagittarius grin. He doesn’t remember me taking the picture. He laughed when he saw it.  It’s one of my favorite photos. 

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@sue-ellen it seems like the surgery is really good deal!

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Thanks be to God, and to praying doctors! 🙏❤

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@Elsa I must have missed in the post why he was brooding on his Birthday. I’m glad to hear that the surgery was a success. That is too funny though about him lying in the gurney like that.: D

@soup I understand your being scared of eye surgery! I was told I will need it by the time I’m 80. Well by then, I will feel happy NOT to see what’s going on the way tgings are going in the world. But I jest. I know someone whose Aunt was blind and deaf by the time she died (in her 80’s. Does not sound comforting! 

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@dawn brooding because he does not like medical stuff. His birthday is irrelevant to him. 

I was just writing about my experience. It all wound up going well.  He was also sent a red velvet birthday cake, Oprah recommended,  lol. It was very good. Split with our neighbor's who let our dogs out.

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Thats great! Glad to hear it Smile

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Yay. Excellent. Glad that's done and he is good 🥰 


this moon has me being threatened about my JOB again. Not sure what the lesson is. This Capricorn just wants to work. and get insurance. 

 My progressed sun at 29 Pisces is not getting to shine. Just ride it out with faith?

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