People will drink more.
Is this due to excess Neptune/Piscean stuff?
--I think so. What scared me away from doing anything major (I mean, still, woulda thought one drink was ok) was reading somewhere about how susceptible to possession one could be with Neptune square moon (I have this natally and of course the conjunct with tr. neptune right now) then encountering the malefic stuff at my house and being physically unprepared for it. Scary stuff right there.
Yep. That was enough for me. it was like--you have a choice, get stoned out of your mind and run the risk of being manipulated by something or have a metaphysical experience like you never imagined.
Ugh, hangovers are the worst.
I am already catching glimpses of the uptick in drinking.
More, for sure. People looking to escape (in one way or another) only gets worse with Neptune in domecile.
I'm not a drinker, thankfully. Alcoholism gallups in my family of origin and I've never really tried to acquire a taste for booze for that reason...
When is Neptune in Pisces and how long does it last?
Josi, what malefic stuff at your house??!! and what did you do to get rid of it??? (if it's ok to ask)
@ Caribou - Neptune has been in Pisces for about a year now and will continue to be in this sign for another 13.