
Mars in Libra, by transit or in the natal chart…

Vintage Astrology Blogging… The Freak That Is Elsa P Goes Skating

I wrote this astro story in 2003.  It’s funny/uncensored, revealing, free expression. Includes swearing!  Let’s go! Yay!  It’s also prelude to Pining For Reuben. ~~~ Kris said she was surprised I’d not seen, Gone With The Wind.  I responded: “Yeah, well I never saw Star Wars until twenty years after the fact. This in spite

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Libra scales vintage

Libra & Modern Decorum

Libra is associated with good manners.  The other day, I randomly recalled being taught to never write a letter when I was in a bad mood.  My grandfather, who was an English professor and an all around good dude, taught me this.  The idea was, you’d say something you would regret. Henry was born in

Libra barbie

How Does Mars In Libra Act?

Mars is in detriment in Libra. Mars, by it’s nature wants to conquer. Mars in Libra wants to act fairly which is completely ineffectual against a true warrior. For example, Mars in the opposite sign, Aries, with initiate the fight. Aries will throw the first punch which provides real advantage over Libra who is always

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