
Aspects in astrolog...
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Aspects in astrology

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Vedic tradition has an interesting take on aspects which would explain why western astrology considers squares challenging and trines beneficial.

All planets activate transited and opposite sign (7th from itself) which is easily observable, e.g. Pluto-Saturn conjunction --> Be safe, stay at home, work from home.

In Vedic astrology Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have additional aspects.

Mars activates also 4th (waxing square) and 8th (waning quincunx) from itself. Waxing square is like cutting the umbilical cord and venturing on your own. Waning quincunx is considered to be much more uncomfortable than waxing quincunx. It is like walking down the stairs to basement at night and the lights do not work.

Jupiter activates also 5th and 9th from itself which is trine. Things just fall into place more smoothly and they gain momentum.

Saturn activates also 3rd (waxing sextile) and 10th (waning square) from itself but 10th aspect is considered the strongest and most challenging. It's like gradual phasing out.

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