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Attacked by Mars in Scorpio

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Darn it....makes me wish I had a Scorpio Mars! I'd trade my Gemini Mars for one of those any day.

I was married to two men with Scorpio Mars. They ain't all that. Come on now. They had some fight...but nothing I couldn't handle. 

They mostly used it to be top earners. They really did well. One owns two car dealerships and the other is a top tier director of a pretty profitable well known corporate. I found them to be work-a-holics.

I have no fear of Scorpio Mars. I have mostly watched them be successful with it. They aren't mass murderers.

Sorry you've had such rotten luck with them. I envy that powerful energy. I would love to have it. As it is....I am just spinning around in circles .....

I am trying to understand how you find out birth dates and times (which is personal information) about co-workers.

When I am in shitty situations...I try real hard to look in the mirror. I will say this again.... I am not what you think I am - You are what you think I am. I always try to remember that when my mind starts to go there............

I don't like to fight at work. I am there to earn...nothing more.

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I found more in recent readings about dealing with a Scorpio Mars that astrology parades as a "formidable foe" and vengeful type, it had to do with Robert Greene's recent work called Laws of Human Nature, this the same guy who wrote the book 48 Laws of Power. In the book's section about aggressors, he talks about the sophisticated aggressor and gives an example of how they operate. A lot of it is through veiled intentions and a cunning relentless attitude.

From what I have found lately, the best way to combat the Scorpio Mars is to take advantage of the fact that they value their privacy and tend to attack from the shadows. I do think that a lot of Gemini placements in a chart are almost perfect for this, air that dirty laundry!

Now this is in the name of self-defense, the author says not to take them on directly but instead do so indirectly. Maybe find what they are trying to hide and air it to the public and call out their hypocrisy, poke holes in their narrative and slowly start to expose them. Most of all, do not play in your emotions.

Try not to fall for the myth or fear, see them objectively and try to figure out their goals and intentions. If you can do that you may as well be better off.

They will spread rumors and disinformation to muddy the waters and make you seem as dubious as them, anticipate them and rob them the element of surprise. You can make yourself look weak, bait them into an attack you want them to take and then counterattack to deliver a painful blow.

One other key thing Robert Greene mentioned that I think is by far the BEST strategy, look for others who have been wronged by them in the past and find strength in numbers.

I find that people who display negative traits of this Mars placement likely have others they have wronged, find them and create power in numbers. Now keep hitting them hard from blind angles, spreading false rumors is highly encouraged if it does come down to it as they will do the same themselves.

Now all of this should be done as a means of survival, not to actually bully people. I have found that some aggressors will go above and beyond to ruin your life, finances and even target your family if they can. Only do all of this when absolutely necessary, I do not recommend doing this to just do it but do it to defend your life, finances and loved ones.

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I rather have a Gemini Mars than a Scorpio Mars anyday, please give me the same Mars sign as MLK, Tom Brady, the Roman Empire and the United States lol. The beauty is my Mars sign keeps gathering information and though it can be unfocused, once I find something it cares about, it is relentless.

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My mother in law sounds exactly like this. She will use anything against you, scheme, call names, call you nothing... you name it and she will do it. She’s an Aries sun, sag rising (she claims to be scorpio rising but the birth time she gave me and location pointed to sag so idk) I don’t remember her moon. Anyway her mars in scorpio is a killer. She gets mad from NOTHING and makes it huge and is ALWAYS right, even though 99.9999% of the time she is wrong, because she thinks the world revolves around her when it definitely does not. She thinks she is the queen of the world although that could be the Aries sun. Also, she gets super ugly about money.

My husband is also a Scorpio Mars and Scorpio sun and I could right a book about that but I like him more than his mom so I’ll leave it at that. I’ll add that he didn’t talk to me for 2 weeks when I came back from another country because after the plane landed he insulted me and I said I didn’t care... tell a Scorpio you don’t care and you took their power away. 

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I have Mars in Scorpio in the 10th house and I (now) direct it towards my career and reputation. For me personally:

I know we have a reputation for being ruthless, but remember too that we are a fixed sign and while we may be fixed in our purpose, I could not be less interested in hunting after people whose threat has already been neutralized. In other words, stay out of my way and I won't pay you any mind. In this way, I am conserving energy, which Scorpio is all about.

  1. Be independent in my career (be my own boss) -- I also have Uranus in the 10th so this drive is very strong for me
  2. Pursue my goal of traveling and enjoying an international life (Pluto in Libra in the 9th house) without going broke since I'm in my 30s now

It did take me awhile to figure this out, after a lifetime of being thwarted (Mars square Sun). But I'm very happily chugging away now.

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My son is a Taurus with Mars in Scorpio. He rarely cuts but when he does, you feel it.

I also think he recoils from his own aggressive action.  Libra moon.

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@elsa I relate to that! Pisces moon and 7th house with sun, Mercury and Venus. I feel their pain ?

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