
August 2024 Astro W...
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August 2024 Astro Weather - Discuss!

Bar in the Sky
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My sister reached out to me today to talk about her marriage problems. Something she obviously did frequently with my mother. (My mother just recently passed in May) I don’t think it went well. In fact, I don’t think I know it did not go well. I was not the warm coddling mother she is used to. I’m still not sure what she wanted from me. I listened and when asked a question- responded but she would just take a stance and argue her feelings. I have no opinion on her marriage. 
Elsa, you sure have a gift to be able to see what you see in predicaments. I left that conversation feeling like she was upset with me now, even though she said she wasn’t.

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@bar-in-the-sky I'm sorry. This is a hard sky for conversation.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  You're well meaning and you tried.

Hades Moon
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Mercury retrograde sucks. I paid a bill early, like I always do, and the company are saying they have not received it. Lucky I have electronic evidence but I’ve had to spend time on numerous calls and send emails when I’d rather be engaging in other activities.

Anyway, they have it filed as a missing payment and still have not figured out whether it’s the banks or their company’s fault.

What I do know, is that it’s not the customers fault. They need to change the status to Paid, sort their crap out, and give me an apology.

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@hades-moon It's this part of Mercx that is going to beat on the fixed signs. I am hiding. I will not buy a thing that has to be delivered for another month.

Hades Moon
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@soup I think that’s a smart move. After this incident, I’ll be doing the same.

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The full moon was a dud. I'm surprised.

I personally,  broke free, but I was expecting far more from this. Everything hits my chart, hard.

Not saying it's slow or boring, but event here. Knock on wood!

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@elsa Seems to be tied in with the Mercury Rx, which is still in process, so it's worth keeping an eye on those dates - the station direct, it's leaving the whole shadow period, etc.

Hades Moon
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The strongest/closest transits atm for me are:

Transit Pluto conjunct my sun and my natal mercury (merc rules my 7th house) , &

Transit Saturn in my 1st house, squaring my natal mars in the 10th.

Things feel real Heavy. Probably the most sobering time of my life. Prior to these aspects I saw the world in technicolor now it looks so grey; even black sometimes.

It’s a very unique experience in the respect that what use to come naturally to me, I now have to work at. Eg. Making time for fun and friends. Because I’m not feeling zippity doo dah, I have to force my ass to socialise because even though it may be hard initially, I always feel better afterward.

These transits have given me an even greater empathy/understanding to those who may have lived most of their life with these feelings/challenges. 

I look forward to getting over these hurdles and feeling on top. I feel I have even more to give/offer now, and can’t wait to help other’s again.




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I've been thinking about the recent full moon too- it did hit my chart as a grand cross but also with a grand trine. Every planet in my chart was involved.

All the crazy things happened around July 25/26 to my Taurus peeps...

I think the merc rx (now hitting my planets in Scorpio) has been the most sticky stuck part.
I actually got the first break I've had since June of last year over the full moon.

And by break I mean a physical rest to internalize a long overdue 'IOS upgrade'. I guess that's Uranus/Saturn.
I think tings are going to begin to gain momentum this week.

Hades Moon
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Approx 3 days ago, I was impacted by mercury retrograde again.

I lost internet connection and phone capability for half the day. I had to spend an hour with hair dye on my head at the hairdressers, with no entertainment!

When my communications returned, I had 2 messages (both Pisces!), informing me of their broken relationships. It was a double whammy of sadness because I love both couples and thought they’d be Forever. 

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