
August 2024 Astro W...
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August 2024 Astro Weather - Discuss!

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I'm glad this crap is ending, though I did make significant progress. 

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I'm so sick of Pluto in Capricorn that I could throw up.

Today my boss sent a message about retraining for all. I might have made the big mistake that was mentioned.

Tomorrow Pluto goes back into Capricorn. The same scenario happened in June 2023. Things were going well, or so I thought, until they didn't.

Since this is the final final pass, I hope things end well. For once.

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@lislioness Here we go again. Pluto in Cap at 29. Just dragging back and forth over my 0 Venus. 

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I just realized something. Just because things like this happened doesn't automatically mean I'm going to get fired.

In every single one of the jobs where I got fired, someone took an immediate disliking to me - story of my life with this ADHD shit - and wasn't willing to give me any grace.

That doesn't seem to be the case here. But when you go through this five times in a year, you develop a kind of PTSD.

I need to give myself more grace.

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@lislioness Yes! Could be exactly what we need to apply during pluto in cap...grace. I think you nailed it Smile

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@sophiab You're right. I'm too hard on myself and Cap Pluto jacked that up way beyond 10.

With some serious training I could have been a contender, which was part of the real problem. Jealousy and fear. It just happened to my husband. It's tiring dealing with lesser value people trying to put someone of higher caliber "in their place".

Hades Moon
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Yes, I relate Lis & soup. My 0 degree mercury gets stamped on by Pluto. Geez it messes with my mind.

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@hades-moon I think the fixed signs have had it. Good grief, move on .... just get out. You can literally feel the weight of the energy. It's so gross.

Hades Moon
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@soup Yeah, I have never felt such heaviness in my life. Gawd, we need a break. There’s no escaping this energy we are just forced to deal (and we do). But my gosh, it is exhausting!

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@hades-moon deep breath... it's almost over. I just keep saying that and I feel better when I do. Something to look forward to. Just have to hang on for a little bit longer.... 

I swear to God I am going to need an overhaul. A makeover. I am going to get one too. I look like a lunatic. I have never looked like this in my life. Getting older is one thing. Looking like I've escaped from the asylum is another altogether. I am getting my hair done, I am getting everything waxed, I am getting a facial... and then I will look over the damage and go from there.  But this look... no. Not happening. God. So gross. 

Hades Moon
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@soup Yes, this too shall pass.

My gosh, I relate to needing an image overhaul. I’ve been doing the bare minimum eg regrowth, simple make up etc. I use to invest in myself so much more. 
We will feel dynamite when we get pampered. Like you, I’m going to get the full salon experience (head to toe). I need to feel renewed.

I used some nice oils in my bath this morning. I hadn’t done this in ages. It’s amazing what a difference little things can do towards feeling good.

Yeah I’ve gotta get back to feeling a little glam. Looking good, helps us feel good 👍.

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@soup You said it! I felt the gross 🤢🤣 this morning. It's been nothing but hit after hit from this mofo for the last five years. Enough already. For all of us.

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@lislioness I am so thrilled Mars is going into Cancer so that with the weight of Pluto Cap I will cry the whole time 🤣 🤢

Just take the fixed signs and beat the living shit out of them 🤪 

I remember years ago looking to the future wondering what all this would be like. Well, it was worse. 😳

It's almost over... I cannot wait. 

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IMG 5289

@soup Game on! Pluto is officially back in Capricorn for a few weeks!

Why is this happening during my favorite time of the year? MFer!

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@lislioness I was just starting to feel better. Or like a human. I am off medication that they put me on from March. I take nothing. Feeling so much better. Now this shit. 🤢 🤮

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It's interesting that as Uranus went rx today, Pluto was at 0.00 Aquarius!


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@sophiab weird.

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Well, it’s September 1. 
I’ve had a very good weekend so far. I feel good, like work to be done but it’s wholesome, a harvest of food, people, enjoying our surroundings. Pluto is on my sun, on my husband’s Jupiter and opposite his sun by 5°. I guess we feel blessed.

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@allie120 His Jupiter on your sun.... BIG LOVE. 😊

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@soup Even if I didn’t know astrology, I’d know something was up!!!

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@allie120 I remember when you looked at our synastry chart with his Jupiter on my stellium..... you said... BIG LOVE. Of course, his Saturn is on it too 😳 You told me that his Jupiter was on my sun and that was BIG LOVE.

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@soup 🥰

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