
August 2024: Mutabl...
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August 2024: Mutable Grand Cross

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aug 2024 mutable grand cross

If you have planets in Mutable signs 16-17 degrees, this is you.

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Okay this doesn't look too bad... maybe... Or I m just deluding here, heh. This moon will be just on my Asc.Nept. so it wouldn't be a stretch! But, if I try to make a scenario out of it, then it looks like feelings get a bump from needs and run with it, they come across well meaning, amped up drive which might be all over the place with ideas and that party is wet blanketed by fluctuating standards and ever changing rules...

Of course the last word will go to the last aspect and old father Saturn, who really doesn't know what he's doing at this point but will hardly ever admit to it! I think this whole thing might reiterate health issues, which have been a focal point lately for many- that or money issues

Keep yourself in the boat, is this how you called it Elsa, keep yourself in the boat and your head out of water... Is that grand square similar to a raft? 

(Okay enough neptune stuff, back to reality!)

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@dora yes, that makes sense to me.

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On my angles (17 degree asc in Virgo).... my guess is it's a time of personal transition

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Hmm....interesting, if I'm correct that g.cross will happen around August 14/15th.

Also, my next 2 lunar returns (June & July) have a sun-moon opposition. This is odd.

LR June has Scorpio rising, pluto conjunct IC.
LR July has Aries rising, mars conjunct Uranus, square mercury. Mars @29degree Taurus.

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Hades Moon
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I’ll have transiting mars & jup conjunct my natal Saturn in 4th, in opposition to my natal mars in 10th. Omgosh, I really don’t need anymore family drama.  

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Hades Moon
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I appreciate being pre-warned. Will be wearing my suit of armour again 🙃.

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