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Ceres in Scorpio Interpretation

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"With Ceres in Scorpio you tend to feel, and often do, little with half measures. This is a very intense energy which sometimes prompts you to hide the depth of your feelings for fear of exposing vulnerability. Looking after people, or being looked after, can assume an almost life-or-death significance, and relating is a serious business. You have finely tuned antennae for the moods of others and the vibe in a room, which can save you a lot of trouble as long as you don't dive into an emotional sea without first considering the likely consequences. When you feel you are growing, or helping others to grow, you have the courage to embrace any situation. This is a 'spiritual warrior' placement, and when you meet its challenges, it makes you a formidable role model as years go by.

This interpretation is from the Deluxe Asteroid Report.

Do you have Ceres in Scorpio? Tell us about it!

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This is my Ceres, in my 2nd house.  I don't know what to add, here - those things are true for me, including that years and experience make for better tidiness in relating, and dealing with the emotions of relating.  Oh, ahem, also confessing my feelings of vulnerability, to those who inspire those feelings.  And then feeling overwhelmed at both reactions: surprise at the fact of them, and greater closeness.

Well, of course I tone down the most intense ranges of my feelings, ordinarily.  Those closest to me are aware, some of the time, so the surprise when I admitted to irrational worries simply added a missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle of them + me.

Ceres opposes my 8th house Sun, and is quincunx to my 9th house Gemini Moon.  Does Jupiter get a wider orb, due its properties?  It probably at least helps in the exaggeration of some of my intense feelings, at moments. Jupiter also in Scorpio, a little further along in the same house.

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