
Chirion Sextile MC ...
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Chirion Sextile MC Transit for 1 year

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would be interested in anyone, who has experienced this transit and has some inclining through experience perhaps of what this involves, 


I know  Chiron, is the wounded healer, and from what I understand this transit, can bring up a lot of your deeply held pain, kind of stuff but a sextile or trine isn't a hard aspect as a conjunction or a square as I understand it

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any feedback would truly be apreciated

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Hi in the past, Your natal Chiron is indeed sextile the MC and currently transiting Chiron is also, so this is your Chiron return at about age 50.  These charts show transits from about 2010.  Nonetheless, a Chiron return is a passage we all have at about the same time in life.  Have you looked back to see what was going on during the previos sextiles and trines to your MC?  You might see a pattern there.

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hi thanks Myrna, weird how you can tell its from 2010, I am pretty certain that is when it was done


I have no understanding of how to see, previous sextiles and trines to my mc on my chart at least, do you mean chirion sextiles and trines or sextiles and trines in general


I am afraid, as much as I have seen astrology move through my own life and have influence and impact, my energy on a feeling level of myself and those around me, I am something of a layman in understanding the chart despite being a member of astrodienist, for 14 years, I check my daily transits and in the past, looked at robert hands short report forecast, which was uncanny at times about the energies and influence of planetary cycles kinda thing


I have been googling Chirion return and read some interesting things and have an old report saying it, is aspected in my chart but am not sure, when it was more active through the 12 houses in the last 50 years as my life has certainly been a rollercoaster


any input, or links to Chirion you could recommend ??


once again, thank you, really appreciated

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@its-in-the-past An ephemeris is a reference book that shows the positions of the planets, and usually Chiron too, on a specific date.  Digital versions are easily found online (search ephemeris + year)but those are only 1 year to a page or pdf.  I was referring to sextiles and trines to your MC by transiting Chiron.  These dates can be found in an ephemeris.

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@myrna so when you say, that you mean, the transit is likely to bring up similiar themes, as previous sextiles and trines in chirion before kinda thing ?

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@its-in-the-past that could be true probably flavored by sign and house placement. I went through an ephemeris for the slower moving planets, Saturn on out, and listed the dates of conjunctions to planets and angles by date.  Then make notes of your life at that time.  You will probably find that when there are at least a couple of transits at the same time you will have had memorable life changes at hose times.

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You had your Chiron return at 17* Aries in February and March this year. When Chiron retrogrades in July it won't return to 17* so you are in the clear. It's "in the past" lol. 

My Chiron is 22* Aries and transit Chiron is at 21.59* currently so I'm experiencing it now and will get the rx rolling over a few times. The 3* orb before exact is likely the worst, tense part. 

So far, it's kind of like oscillating between the reality of the horrors of my traumatic childhood and then a very relieving sense of mastery. Chiron is very thorough in how it works to release you. It's a passage or process (the key in the lock, unlocking, opening) a bit like Saturn but different, it's own unique vibe. But I'm experiencing things from the past again, through sensation, memory, etc in order to release them. House is important. Mine sits in 7th/8th depending on house system. I'm experiencing things mostly through relating. Aries placement is interesting, as it seems to relate to early sense of self and the feeling of having agency, trusting oneself to act, also bodily, being in your body and trusting it will do right by you. All very Mars related. It can be quite painful, feeling stuck and unable to act but not clearly knowing why. It's at the root, a bit unseen. But I'm feeling that the process is healing and resolving. My MC is 27* Gemini so it is squaring by sign but not exact yet. I am finding work and esp. work colleagues annoying as hell, but again, a sense of overcoming and knowing my capacities, despite feeling challenged. 

Maybe you can look back to Feb, March and a bit before to see what was going on for you.

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@sophiab hi thank you


I am still a bit lost though, will follow Myrna recommendation regarding the ephemeris but, here's the thing


when you say, 17, do you mean degrees, as, the transit, of Chiron sextile mc began on the 2nd May according to my transit on Astrodeinist by Robert Hand and is active for the next year so I assume it is moving through houses, but not sure if it's all of them  as I read, that when you have a Chiron return, it has completed a full circle and it back to where it was at the time of your birth, but have also read it takes 4 years to move through a chart


If it's true about the reset thing, then I would think it must be in the first house now


in Feb and March, well I quit my job,(In Feb) tired from multiple threats of violence, they readmitted a guy, who wasn't suppose to be coming back till May(owing to multiple direct and indirect threats of violence he had made to staff, which considering he went to prison for stabbing someone, was concerning) he was heavily fixated on me , had a forensic history and wanted to put an axe in all our heads previously and then another heavy forensic guy, threatened me too, and I had various other threats including, glass doors being kicked in and had to make a statement to the police


In March as I had returned to weed for 3 months from December 2023, I suddenly stopped that when it became clear,  my energy was a bit tanked,I had spirit attachments and bothersome entity's in my flat so I stopped that, and have found tools, and arch angels, helpful in clearing them


I am still trying to figure out how regularly Chiron has been in my chart over the last 50 years so will have to look up this ephemeris but I did dig out, an old chart, I had done by a friend of my dads, and it said, Chiron was in my eighth house, and Aries as you said, but am still trying to figure all this out


are you saying Chiron was in my chart in February and March too, before the specific transit


I guess it would be as it is in the 8th house but, according to google Chiron in Aries is connected to fear of failure


will have to look up the ephemeris  thing

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I try to explain a bit.

If you consider Chiron to be like a planet it is always moving in space/the sky (by transit) and is thus always aspecting your natal chart. When you were born, Chiron was at 17 degrees of Aries. In February and March of this year, transiting Chiron (in the sky), had come full circle 360 degrees since the day you were born and was again in the exact place in the sky where it was when you were born. This is the Chiron "return" - when the transiting Chiron in the sky returns to the exact same degree as when you were born. This exact return happens once, unless Chiron happens to retrograde and back over the natal degree a few times - but as I mentioned it has passed by and won't return to 17 degrees Aries in our lifetime.

Now, a separate (but interconnected matter), your Midheaven (or MC) is at 21 degrees of Gemini. So right now, Chiron in the sky (by transit) is at 21.59 degrees of Aries, which means it is sextile your MC (which is what Robert Hand's report is mentioning). As I said, transit Chiron will reach about 23 degrees Aries in July, then retrograde back to 19 degrees Aries. It won't go back onto your natal Chiron (17 degrees), but this retrograde period will affect your MC, because Chiron will go back over 21 degrees when it retrogrades, and then when it moves forward again, it will hit 21 degrees again. You can find a Chiron ephemeris here for 2024:

If you look at the column for Chiron you can see the degrees it moves/has moved agaist the dates of each calendar month (you can also check its movements in 2023 and 2025). You just need to match those degrees to any planetary degrees in your natal chart, e.g., your natal Chiron is 17 degrees, your MC is 21 degrees, because that's when aspects to your natal chart are made which you will feel.

Sidenote, if you want to look at a planetary ephemeris (Chiron is considered an asteroid), then look here for similar tables:

From your chart image, you have natal Chiron conjunct natal Mars in 8th house both in Aries. This may be why you were experiencing extra issues with men/the masculine in the 'outside world' and there are elements of fear and violence. Why? Because Aries is ruled by Mars. Also the 8th house, which is traditionally the house of Scorpio, is also ruled by Mars. So it's like double, extra Mars! As you have Chiron in 8th house, it will bring up issues regarding family legacy - transgenerational issues, there may have been issues with violence in the men in your family, a conjecture, but look into it.

Use the Chiron ephemeris I have shared to check the dates when transiting Chiron will reach the degree of your natal Mars, which is 26 degrees Aries. That way you will know ahead when to keep an eye out for any intensity of Mars issues coming up for release, and can keep in mind, oh, I know transit Chiron is on my Mars! It can bring up male/masculine/father issues and also how you channel your will, take action from a true place inside. Also, how you identified with the male through father, grandfather, sibling relations, etc, and it can help to heal and balance your masculine energy inside if there are distortions. 

Something I'm thinking about with Chiron sextile the Midheaven is that the MC can represent our more 'social' self, which may be an adaptation and can be a bit false, in relation to our true soul self. So Chiron in aspect to MC, especially from Aries may help re-balance things so that your soul expression is more visible and authentic in the external world. Often we make considerable compromises and sacrifices of self, in order to survive, fit in, make money, socialise, deal with abuses of power, etc...and this is a chance to be more ourselves, more true, less limited by these social demands. Definitely empowering transit Smile

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@sophiab hi Sophie, many thanks for all this information


having checked back, it seems that Chiron isn't 23 degree's in July but I may have misread it, will have to doublecheck it


so are you saying that, this would be the same for the entirety of my chart i.e


the degrees, that various planets were aspected in my chart upon birth, will be felt more , through me and around me by others if it's an exact match,


like if my moon was 19 degree's for example and the moon is 19 degress for example, In June 2024 for example, then I will more directly feel it ?


if my Chiron sextile mc is ongoing for a year, I am presuming, that doesn't mean all the time, (or does it as I always thought it meant that previously, like for the entire time it was squaring, sextiling etc) as if it is permanently aspected to my birth chart, then I am likely to feel its influence only when the degree's match or will be in the background, while other influence of other transits are felt more strongly


I guess what I mean is that at anyone time, we can have a number of transits and planets, squaring us, sextile, conjuct etc and I always used to assume that, the sum total of planetary influence was the sum total of planetary influence on my energies


Steve Gunn in Metaphysciality- Spirituality of The Energy Universe, states the planets themselves are too far away to affect us, which I  was never sure of, but assumed he knew his stuff , but don't know enough about this either  way but, he says the positions of the planets reflect universal cycles of energy, like hands on a clock

Hopefully I explained my further questions if, you can possibly shed any light


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@its-in-the-past What I always suggest to people who want to start learning about planetary energy and it's effect on them is to start with the Moon (which you were kind of suggesting in your post).

The Moon changes signs every couple of days, so if you track the Moon's movement through the signs - I would suggest doing this by looking at your natal chart each day on and clicking the "with transits" button (or you can use the ephemeris calendar I linked).

This way you can observe how you feel when the Moon is in each sign. Right now it's in Pisces. See how it feels when it shifts to Aries. You just need to check each day as part of a routine. Later you can consider the Sun. Then other planets. 

With transits to natal planets, yes, it's a numbers game. You need to learn the degrees of your natal planets first that way you can have them in mind when looking at the ephemeris to see when there is a "hit". Later you can consider "orbs", that's when you factor in the degrees leading up to the exact hit. Because you will feel a transit before it is exact, certainly within 3 degrees of exact. The build up to exact can be more intense and then the exact hit often feels a bit more stable.

But try practicing with the lunar movements as a nice intro just to get the feel for changing energy. 

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