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Conspiracy Theories Converging

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It seems all the conspiracy theories are converging at this time... and this seems to correlate with the upcoming Saturn Neptune conjunction.

Please don't misunderstand. I am not saying I believe the stuff out there. I'm saying it seems the plot is coming together.  We're at the point where Hollywood misbehavior goes mainstream - not saying any of it is true!

Posting this to see what others think.  It seems to me, the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aries, in early 2026, in the point when things will be much clearer.  But I am not at all convinced, "clearer" = truth.

More like old "reality" disintegrates and the new platform is operated.  Win 7 -> Win 11 or some such thing.  If you preferred Win 7, too bad!

Perhaps all the swirling (mis)info, is no more than "intermission"? Dancing cokes and hotdogs, before the next feature.

What do you think?

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Interesting choice of media. I watched it on YouTube so I could see who the uploader is but instead I ended up reading the comments. It was pure nostalgia for the old days, the event of going to the movies where the food was better and everyone was more well behaved. Made me think, “Remember the good old days when the conspiracies didn’t have all that artificial stuff in it and everyone was nicer and we all flew American flags and helped old ladies cross the street? Those were the days.”

I’m not really commenting on any if the values of anyone and I won’t go off on any conspiracies or even the conspiracy about the conspiracy but it did make me think about how this type of thing can potentially cloud our past. But mainly, yes, there is always the anticipation of treat time dangling before us. Like an addiction. Like a psych experiment that will constantly screw with our emotions if we are schooled or addicted to it.

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Bar in the Sky
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@elsa wow! This is everything happening right now.

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@elsa Cloward and Piven.

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My thought was this thread, was that all this Diddy stuff, converges with qanon. Not saying they are the same. Not saying any of it is true.

I am trying to say, I see this coming together.... like bread dough? Not sure what the final loaf will look like.. or even that there will be a "final loaf"!

What's interesting is the qanon people dug up all the sex stuff. I was on the front row, sideline and watched them do it.  Gather all the incriminating pictures (not saying they are real or not placed or whatever.  They gathered them and they are widely hated.  Canceled.

But now we have millennial and zoomer age people on TikTok talking about this.  It's one hell of a convergence.  

I feel this correlates with Saturn and Neptune drifting together, to conjoin @ zero Aries.  This is all I am saying and it is independent from the particular stories or theories, which I think are revealing something but not the real thing, the core thing, that is still very much hidden (even though it's right in your face).

Basically, the plot is advancing or better yet, it's like a musical piece and we're at a point where there is a transition.  This post was about the art of this!

It reminds me of something I wrote in one of my stories. "Can you admire the truck that hits you?"

In my case, the answer is yes.  Qanon (I think) is mostly older people.  Zoomers aren't old, but not q-stuff is flowing from their mouths.  Come on! There is so much to see here.

The magnitude of the power available, to move or manipulate larges groups of people is something I feel needs to be acknowledged.

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@elsa Ok this makes sense. I don’t know if I could easily articulate it. Is this like a power that sways certain masses, something that can affect a human trait but that speaks to each group in its own language, vernacular, symbolism, even artistic style if you will?

I keep getting this sense that I am seeing glimpses of “this power” or pattern, as one sees lights when riding in a car in and out of tunnels. And you see it happening but you also remember things that happened in the past that resembled it, or things you read or learned.


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@allie120 it's marketing. Different spokesmodels for different markets.


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@elsa That’s so succinct. Yes, it is.

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My husband was remarking on something he noticed about an online real estate company, a change they’d made. I told him I thought I knew why but I had to explain the back story of another larger organization behind this , an organization not even related to real estate or any other industry. And as I was telling him, I understood it would sound ludicrous to some people. I said, that he noticed this change and was suspicious of its intentions meant he is more aware than some people, who would assume it’s fine and normal. But to wonder why and even if it ends up that your suspicions were wrong, that’s still not a bad thing. I said I know I sound crazy but I’m confident enough that I can pull up the information and show it to someone. 

I realize I can’t just bring this stuff up anywhere at any time. I can’t just say something without having to explain a whole backstory because things don’t always align with people at first. I’m not saying I know everything or even anything. It’s something that’s longer than a slogan or a bumper sticker. 

Bar in the Sky
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Have you ever watched “The Black List” with James Spader… ? He’s the FBI’s most wanted criminal and he starts working with an FBI team to catch criminals- his black list. Anyway in each episode there is this plot with a criminal and Spader tips the FBI team off on what’s about to go down- it’s much like what you are talking about - there’s layers to how the crime happens . There’s what Spader knows what’s happening, there’s what the FBI team knows what’s happening and then there’s what the public thinks is happening. But there’s always a much larger context that is simultaneously happening to form the basis of the show.


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@bar-in-the-sky I’ve never watched that but I have heard it referenced!

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