
Could you teach Ast...
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Could you teach Astrology in school?

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I had this odd ball question pop into my head: If you had to introduce Astrology to high schoolers (students aged 13-18) through a conventional school curriculum (from wherever you live, or whenever you grew up), in what class or subject would you explain it?

My schooling was broken up into subjects: Science (bio, chem, physics), Math (geometry, trig, calculus), English, History, Foreign Language, Art/Music. I think I would teach Astrology in Geometry class. There are so many opportunities to talk about shapes and angles and different ways to divide a circle... I think it would push me to learn more, and I just think it could be really eye opening for math kids who might never take any interest in sun sign horoscopes.

I'm sure there are so many different ways the topic could be presented! What would appeal to you as a teacher/student?

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What a great question! I know for me, personally, I would have been really receptive to the personality/characteristics/traits and relationships. I was already interested in astrology at that age but I had no idea of its depth.

I don’t know if I would have been intimidated by the math part (that’s how I see it). That mostly turned me off until I got a little older or learned different disciplines. OTOH, I may have gotten over it if I’d seen it applied to achieve an end result I was invested in.

Hades Moon
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I think it would be handy to teach in a school of the arts 🎭. I think it would be well received and beneficial to drama, dance and music students.

For example, you could introduce some signs through observational excursions;  Like going to the zoo and watching the Lions 🦁 demeanour, taking down notes or recordings and then back in class discussing how these traits can be incorporated into a character. I think it would help creative types fully embody the traits such as pride, confidence, warmth etc. Watching how the Lion moves eg slow but purposely; could help one get into character for a certain role.

The astrology archetypes could help creative types communicate what effects they’re after.

Eg. I want this music to roar like a Leo

I want this dance to express Venus-Neptune 

In these scene you need to feel like a moon in Scorpio 

I want this dance to be as energetic as an Aries 

I could go on, but you get the drift 😎 

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@hades-moon That’s a cool angle for astrology!

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@hades-moon I love this idea. Drama students could probably spend a whole semester studying just the sign of Leo!

Hades Moon
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@cocopeaches Very true 🤣. It would be a loooong degree!

Libra Noir
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Oh ya, we could talk about philosophy, archetypes. It would open up a whole discussion on different life events. 

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@libra-noir I was thinking philosophy too.

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@libra-noir I would love to be a student in your philosophy class! I didn't know anything about archetypes when I was in high school.

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