
Do You Feel You Wil...
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Do You Feel You Will Be All Right, Regardless?

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I was talking to, denamaria. She said she's always felt she would be okay, throughout her life. I didn't quiz her but I'm pretty sure, she'd attribute this to her faith in God.

I have felt the same, begrudgingly, since I was a little kid.  I think I'd rather throw the forbidden, conniption fit.

Do you feel you'll pull through, no matter what happens? Or not so much?  What's your reasoning?

I put this in the "astrology" forum, because Saturn in Pisces... your beliefs support you or otherwise.  But also, because you might want to mention the protective or supportive situation shown in your chart?

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Sue Ellen
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Yes, I have always felt mostly optimistic. Hard to believe I have a Capricorn Sun. My Sun is in an exact trine to Jupiter on my Ascendant. 
That said I’ve really had an easy life. 

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Yes. I have a buoyancy aid, Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (6th h). Aka hotline to spirit.

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 I  am somewhat inclined  to say yes. I have a balanced Jupiter/Saturn signature. Buoyant gravity.  i just dont know. People always say that whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger but dang, you cant forget something is trying to kill your ass. 

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Yes. Jupiter conjunct sun. It'll work out. 

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Big picture: my chart heralds a long healthy life and a comfortable retirement, but an increasing threat of isolation and occasional mental confusion. Later in life portends some obsession with "freedom" to the point of possibly becoming politically active. Indicators about death seem like that of a miser.

Overall, I think I can live with that.

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I'd love to know how to read a chart that way.  

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