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Do You Have Prominent Scars?

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Do you have any prominent scars? It hit me, I have A LOT scars. Many of them relate to my Mercury Mars conjunction

Also, when did you get your first scar? Do they bother you at all?

What's the astrology of your scars?

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I have some scars. I don’t think they’re extremely prominent but they are there. They’re always covered by a top, except I do have one on my armpit and the one on my knee (very small) from when I was a kid.

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I'm encrusted! The oldest scar I have is on my tailbone, from when I was 9. My shower was also a bathtub with a square spigot. I crouched down to pick something up off the bottom of the tub and shredded my backside with the corner of the spigot!

I have 3 on my cheek, nose, and brow from cats and acne, a few dozen on my forearms from all my kitties, several dozen more on my arms and thighs from self-injury, and two on my knee from surgery.

I don't know the astrology tbh. Maybe all my stuff in 1h and 8h. Maybe the perfect Saturn-Ascendant square.

Hades Moon
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I have many surgical scars but thankfully they have faded/healed nicely. My scars are:

Under each breast (implant removal),

From naval downwards (ovary and benign tumour removal)

Various surgical backside scars..TMI (crohns disease related, maybe 8th house),

My first & fave scar is on my knee from skipping down my best friends rocky street and falling over (when I was 5). We are close to this day. She is a Leo 🦁, with a Sagittarius ♐️ moon. My double air (sun & moon), and her double fire work well together (great fun).

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My first scar, received the summer I started 4th grade.
I tied a pinwheel to the back of my bicycle seat, so I turned
around ( while riding my bike) to see if the pinwheel was
spinning, and landed my forehead smack onto the front
of a parked car. I sliced my head open, took many stitches.
Transit Pluto was conjunct my natal Mars.

I have had several plastic surgeries as an adult.
I was unusually large breasted, despite having
a slender build. At age 20, I was active duty in
the military, a fellow female active duty told me
that we qualified for free breast reduction surgery.
The military surgeon tried to dissuade me, but afterward
he told me that he was shocked to take out an entire
pound of fatty tissue from each breast. I was thrilled with
the results, my boobs were still big but I was finally able
to wear a 'pretty' bra instead of a full fledged sling type.
Looks like Saturn was square my natal Sun at the time.

In 2006, Uranus hit my Moon/Chiron. It was the most
amazing transit. I had skin hanging over my waist from
pregnancy. A boyfriend agreed to pay for me to have
a tummy tuck.

In late Spring, Summer of 2008, I have no idea what transits,
I had inherited some money. I went to a cosmetic surgeon
who gave me a write up of possible surgeries for some nip
and tuck. I took the information and gave it to a surgeon in
Mexico. I got a facelift and liposuction. I also had excess
skin removed, so I have a huge scar across my back.

I am not quite sure of the astrology there. I have
Leo Venus rising, so maybe that. My father,
unfortunately, was a misogynist who only valued
women's sexuality. This was so ingrained in me,
at such an early age. I was dressed up and made
up at age four, in a wig and everything, like one
of those Toddlers and Tiaras shows, introduced
to my father's family as a different person. I remember
standing there, all made up, and I honestly thought
that these people did not know who I really was.
Such a strange thing to do to a kid. Later, when I
was 12, my dad had left my mother to marry a
younger, more attractive childless woman. She
dressed me up, made up my face, put a wig on
me, and introduced me to my dad as her friend.
We sat there and ate lunch, finally before my dad
got up to leave, he said to me, "There is something
so familiar about that smile".... Sadly, I had honestly
believed that he really did not recognize me at first.

I think the astrology is my natal T Square of Sun opposite
Saturn, both square Neptune. That watery Neptune of
mine represents my parents, 4trh house, big time.

Fortunately now, I embrace all my scars and signs
of age. I am 61 yrs. old.

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Posts: 4138

@sherry I'm sorry about your dad. Jeez!

Posts: 27
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Joined: 14 years ago

I just reread your question, Elsa.
Sorry for the long book. I am very
fair skinned, but my arms, legs and
face are covered with scars as well.
I have a lifelong nervous anxiety, resulting
in me scratching and creating pock mark
scars that are now, tiny white shapes of all
cuts I have had on my skin over the years.
I think my skin just produces scar tissue.
I have Libra Mars conjunct my IC Nadir.
As a child borne into utter chaos, my scars
are a manifestation of how terrified I feel half
the time. I blame my T Square, because my
first natal chart reading, the astrologer immediately
began asking me about my parents. She explained
to me how they show up as configurations in my
chart. I was never taught any coping skills, the MOA
under our roof was violence, .screaming, ignoring
the obvious, alcohol and major substance abuse.

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