Looking at my family of energy vampires, I'd say Moon/Saturn or Venus/Saturn. If you feel like you never have love and you are constantly starving hungry, you start acting like that. I at least don't act out any more, but I'm sure I was sucking people dry back in college.
Pleasure of what?
Pleasure of draining other people's energies.
What kind of aspects did you meant between Moon/Saturn or Venus/Saturn?
I at least don't act out any more, but I'm sure I was sucking people dry back in college.
And how you were acting to do that?
K@ - Hi, good day to you. Your words were spot on regarding my experience. Their Pluto was smack-dab between my Pluto and Uranus (all in virgo which is my Ascendant). Their Pluto was part of a t-square (with moon and venus). Felt like they were looking for a continual fight. To the point I eventually wasn't looking forward to any contact....felt very destructive energetically. I've never in my life experienced such heaviness (for a lack of words). Btw, this is the person I mentioned 'shedding tears' about (a thread post I started). In the end, I knew I deserved better. They are a serial monomagous...so that doesn't work for me; prefer be alone in that context. Verbal flippancy was quite common too. At least, the time-frame wasn't too long; 3-4 months. Guess that's the benefit of getting older; you get to 'Move on' quicker than the younger years.
(((Sunnyp))) what a terrible experience! I haven't seen your thread but I will check it out!
@memento: apology accepted.
Personally I found many Pisces sun women very passive-aggressive and meddling, seems like they drain all my energy. After couple of hours spent around them, I usually have a headache for the rest of the day.
I wish I was one...That would be cool