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Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces 2024 - Discuss!

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This will conjunct my South Node and it's a few hours after my Lunar Return. We're currently packing up nearly 25 years worth of belongings to move to who-knows-where. I'm trying not to be sentimental and hang on to things just for the sake of it but it's hard finding things that have been tucked away for years and letting them go.

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Hades Moon
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@plutolover Wow, a move! This is a big change. Yes, it can be very hard letting go of certain things. I wish you the best of luck and a smooth transition.

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@hades-moon thank you 🙂

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@plutolover OUCH. I feel for you.

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@elsa thank you! My Fixed placements are Not Happy at the thought of losing little bits of my past but my Mutables are all 'get rid of them already!' (I am the current custodian of my Grandmother's button tin and I'm laughing at myself knowing that sucker will come with me wherever I go!)

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I'm drawn to the trines in this chart:

Venus trine Jupiter

Sun trine Pluto

Sun trine Uranus

Pluto trine Uranus

And then the sextiles between Pluto and Uranus to Neptune and the Moon. Forming a kite with Neptune/Moon in Pisces at apex. Seems like a point of transcendence/release?

This is what wrote about this outer planet configuration in their August report when it started being active:

"The sextile between Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius becomes exact. Uranus joins the constellation with some orb, forming a trine to Pluto and a sextile to Neptune.

Such a harmonious aspect figure of the three spiritual planets is rare. It indicates a fundamental agreement in the collective mind and shapes the quality of time for the entire month and beyond. In the longer term, the social processes that are now beginning could point the way out of the current crisis mode."

This statement has stuck in my mind! 

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I also have a natal Pisces moon almost exact on this degree, square my late Gemini rising too. Except it's opposite my natal Pluto and square my 0* natal Mercury in Cap so there's that T-square. But... I have a late Scorp stellium and my chart is picking up a grand trine that includes (or soon will) Mars transit through my first house.

There's a super lot of janky energy out there. Last night not only did I have insomnia but violent episodes in my dreams. The kind of dreams where your body jolts itself awake. This could be Uranus in the 12th house too , just saying, or an active Mars. I worked with my subconscious self last night to figure out how to direct (and not project or internalize) this Mars energy.

But last night this energy came in hot, and I woke up to a phone call from one of my solid Libra people losing their sh*t. This Libra was sobbing because she's been pushed by a gaslighting baby daddy Pisces to the ever loving end, has left him, has solid plans to relocate safely with their 6 year old child away from a toxic situation, but needs to get MAD! My poor friend sobbing crying her heart out because this jackass had her believing that EVERYTHING was her fault, everything for the last ten years. Anyway, long story short- Libra, do not feel guilty about getting angry! Like "I'll rip your balls off, shove them up each nostril one at a time, slowly extract them, find a different orifice..." you get the picture. And just like Taurus, god help your immortal soul if you bring a Libra to the screaming point. There's more. While we were on the phone she got a txt that one of our mutual acquaintances committed suicide last night.

Like I said , the energy last night was janky.

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This lunation provides the opportunity for INTENSE clarity. The energy is already present, so there are days yet to reap access to higher awareness/understanding and especially with the Moon in Aqua build up. Message is, don't waste the opportunity by being caught up in distraction, which is a form of resistance. Looking at you, Jupiter in Gemini 😉

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Hades Moon
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@sophiab 😄I needed this reminder!. My contemplation shall begin today (just prior to it hitting my 12th).

Hades Moon
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It’s actually well and truly in my 12 th now. 

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@hades-moon Sun is deep in my 12th for a while now, 27* Virgo rising. Very active, releasing negative energy type dreaming has been occuring. At 25*, the full moon/eclipse will shadow my asc-dsc axis. I can feel some major changes in my psyche occuring, but equally powerful resistance to these changes happening.

Hades Moon
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@sophiab Change verse’s resistance. It will be interesting how this will turn out for you. It falls in a significant area of your chart. I can understand your psyche being very attune to this eclipse.

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