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Google's Astrology Chart

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Google astrology chart

 That's a noon chart for Google. The DOJ just hit them with an anti-trust lawsuit.

What do you see?

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I think a more relevant chart for Google is using the date the company was incorporated (Inc) which is 9/4/1998 in Menlo Park, CA. The date 9/15/1997 is when the domain name was registered; the company did not exist.

Google’s Inc chart (9/4/98) is interesting.

Fixed T-Square with Mars (9 Leo) – Saturn (3 Taurus) – Uranus (9 Aquarius).

With the chart’s Sun in Virgo, Mercury transits are important. So on Tue 10/20 when Google was hit with the antitrust law suit, t.Mercury was Rx in Scorpio at 8….forming a fixed cross!

2021 has 3 Saturn-Uranus squares that are a reversal of signs compared to Google’s Saturn-Uranus square. Also, Google’s p.Mars is working its way to an exact conjunction with n.Mercury in 2021, thus the antirust (Mars) is going to be a challenge for this tech giant….

But Google has Neptune at 29 Capricorn forming an out of sign conjunction with the Great Conjunction in Aquarius, so possibly the antitrust might more likely be a simple headache.

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Posts: 3014

@osiris-wife makes sense... I will switch the chart out

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