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House Systems

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Only recently did I finally figure out which house system works best for my chart. It felt like - wow, that's ME. Like settling down into a comfy couch and relaxing into it, like HOME. Like seeing myself in the mirror, oh that's me!

Before this, I kept wondering why I wasn't really expressing certain parts of my chart, why it didn't really make sense, why it felt like trying on an ill-fitting piece of clothing, and then realized, when I switched systems, that everything I have been/done/gone through showed in this new system 100%!

I probably sound a little dramatic, but it makes a difference when you've been puzzled for so long!!

But, I do have to wonder, how can different systems work for different people? How is it that it's not cut and dry? ...

Have you found your house system? Which is it?

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I usually go with Placidus but where I have a Gemini Sun and Gemini Rising there are times when Whole Houses really appeal to me and seem to work well. Like where Saturn is still in my 7th house. I don't really see it at work like I did when it was in Sagittarius. I don't know if I have adjusted to the energy or why I don't really feel that it is in my 7th house. I actually forgot that it was in my 7th house for months.

Libra Noir
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I like equal or whole. More and more, Im leaning towards whole. Dont ask me why!:) Im still exploring. 

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which system was it? 

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Equal works best for me I find.

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Placidus best reflects who I am.

When I throw my chart using Equal, it's not that different, but some of the differences feel "off", enough that I always go back to Placidus.

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