
Chiron opposite Lil...
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Chiron opposite Lilith in natal

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I've been reading about chiron, that while trying to work with healing your chiron, look at other aspects to it that can help.

Turns out my chiron is quite lonely and is only aspected by lilith (1 degree opposition).

my lilith is an anrgy one (scorpio), and Iv'e devestated, lured in and revenged many man, which felt powerful and "just".

my dad's sun is conjunct my chiron (surprise), and all my childhood and most of adult years he was a "black stamp in my life's passport", meaning, he always felt either mean to me or non-existant.

looking into it, chiron and lilith share some secret bond in astrology. the way I see it or interprate from the miths, lilith tries to bring some justice in a way that can never be just, causing more pain through pride thus becoming an outcast (she refuses to be the victim), wheres chiron is the wound of a child that never heals, but will never use his energy to hurt or revenge, but to heal others.

any thoughts of the way these two energies work together, reflect and counerpart (opposition) each other to bring healing? I for some years humored myself with the thought that I can heal men and teach them how to love, since they were all falling for me. I was "in service" to their healing, usually through sex (that is, until I got really really wounded and cut this energy off all together). also my chiron is in my 5th, and I'm very much a relationship counsler to all of my friends (married man come to me for healing too, I sense their attraction and kindly refuse, but the non-phisical bond we share helps them later to heal things with their wives, what kind of a weird karma is that?) 

I might come off as a little witchy in this post, but I'm very much a healer, and I sense theres something there in the opposition that I can learn from.

any thoughts?

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I know this is an older post but i'm intrigued by it cause I have similar but opposite problem- except when i went through my saturn return. I. I just switched to "true black moon" to see if anything else was happening. I saw chiron opposite my lillth and my lillth sits in the 5th house while my chiron sits in my 11th house. I have abstained from having any s*xual relationship with people but heal them with my words instead. Its strange..its the moment i want to be intimate that I begin to lose them ... i don't know why this happens. As a result, i feel cursed i can help my friends but I don't desire an intimate relationship until i feel love. It is at this point- they leave and i am left s*xually frustrated. I just recently discovered this and i wonder if we share a similar experience but opposite because our chiron and lillth sit in the opposite houses. Let me know if you are still here to discuss. 

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@astrovenus_zenith i’m also curious about this if you want to start a correspondence~

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