
How is Mercury squa...
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How is Mercury square Neptune Challenging You?

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I have time slipping away, my Gemini daughter calling many times and I can't reach the phone for some reason or the other.

Numerous communications, sensitivity, veils dropping all around and mixed up appointments.

Time is damned near, swirling. Distractions everywhere and news that overwhelms (nod to people I know who are dealing with illness).

Misdiagnoses of every kind on every level.

On the upside, doors open.  Yesterday I saw my spine surgeon, who sent me to PT, who saw me that instant... and ordered me home equipment that was shipped the same afternoon!

I really feel what's meant to happen, will. I also think God will make sure this ends well. 

I have a lot of faith.


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I have Mercury in Pisces (trine Neptune) so time has always been sort of swirly.  Divine timing... 

I've been seeing lots of 'signs' and the challenge has been to not miss them and to interpret them correctly.  I like the 'signs' that I actually 'ask' for specifically, but lately they have been coming out of the blue.

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Wow, I'm distracted by other transits so lost track of some of the mundane ones - thanks for bringing them up.

Yes, been affected:

- getting medical treatment at the moment and the medic/nursing teams mixed up my appointments the other day; then they were an hour late to treat me (this is not their usual MO) impacting on my work that afternoon after I'd taken half the day off.

- a veil or two dropping (in one case I suspected a veil of some sort would drop, to be honest)

- interestingly I have finally managed to give to God or the Universe my worries about a personal project. I have finally succumbed to having faith because I'm too confused. Whatever will be, will be.

- lots and lots of distractions and feeling pulled in various directions but that's always the case in December for me due to work.

Just checked the current planets on This Mercury-Neptune square transit will activate my Sun/Moon/Neptune t-square soon Crazy Scared Formal Smile  


Just being aware will help.

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-Information is confused and it's difficult to get a full picture of what's happening around me

-Unbelievable amounts of phone tag and scheduling issues

-Unexplained complications/side effects after my oral surgery causing me to pass out a few times a day. (TMI, but the best guess is that the antibiotics are aggravating my bowel endometriosis. But due to the aforementioned scheduling issues, I can't get in to get that confirmed. I'm almost done with the antibiotics anyway, so this may remain a mystery.)

-A close friend and their family is dealing with COVID

-More nebulous drama from my family of origin that I am very much staying out of.


-On the positive side, the oral surgery is done and I am otherwise healing well.

-My family is forging ahead with a new normal that I think might just suit us better than the old arrangement ever did. 

-I am bursting with ideas and topics for the blog (and always open to input!)

-I am staggered by the love and divinity that surround me even when I am tired and small and don't do enough to nurture that spark. Somehow I am still afforded grace. <3

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Almost got cheated. Twice. By the same company. Till I threw a fit.

Had a verbal diarrhoea moment that ended up in my boss telling me off.

I am antsy, twitchy. I can't read time.

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I realized this aspect denotes the way information is leaking out at this time.

Also, Trump says he is going to declassify everything / a bunch of stuff - I don't know. But it sure fits.

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