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Uranus Transits to Descendant

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Hi there,

So my Uranus to Uranus and Uranus to Descendant transits are liberating me big time in ways that were dully needed but as a result they're also rocking my marriage via my actions.

My husband's Uranus transits are to his Sun, Moon and Mercury and although he's experiencing the transits in great part through me (I'm Uranus in many ways) his energy is also becoming Uranian.

Uranus transits are specially volatile when approaching an exact aspect by 1 or 2 degrees, I'm coming to understand.

We still have all of 2021 to navigate with transiting Uranus passing over my descendant degree while it's passing his Moon/Mercury. Mercury in his chart rules his 7th house. So Uranus is hitting our 7th houses one way or another.

Any tips or words of wisdom from those here who've gone through this kind of transit in their lives?

Thank you.

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Saturn is going to come along and temper the affects. I think this is good. It might stop you from throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Good luck!

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I forgot about transiting Saturn squaring transiting Uranus (and at one point squaring my Asc/Dsc axis.)

That could help! Thanks for the reminder and the well wishes.

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I have had Uranus transiting my descendant. And Uranus was opposing my Libra stellium. I didn’t experience hardships, but maybe also because they were trine my Leo sun, mercury, Venus and Jupiter. 
I like to think that Uranus in Taurus is less hard. 
with his mercury I think you may have better communication or get stuck in communicating . My 7th is ruled by Venus and Mars opposing it scared me, but I’m still together with my bf of 7 years and still going strong. So in my opinion I guess you don’t have to worry. I knew the opposition was coming for me, and I guess i acted upon it. Kept my mouth shut when I got mad or upset. When Uranus opposed my moon , we had to spend time apart because his mother was ill. We were without eachother for 2 months ( she lives abroad) But it even made our bond stronger. 

I survived the 7th house transit of Uranus without scars. 
More afraid of Saturn opposing my Venus Leo at zero degrees, but come to think of it, maybe I shouldn’t have to be afraid. It’s all about how we tread the waters I guess. 

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Thank you for sharing your experience 🙂


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I will try to keep my mouth shut more often at home - it wouldn't hurt me to update my knowledge and skills of when to pick a fight and when not to!

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Not gonna lie, it brought a lot of changes to my life over the course of the months it went back and forth over my descendant, which coincided with back and forth between Aries/Taurus. The first passage I got a new job, in a big company, very different environment than what I had been used to, the second passage I moved out of living with a (difficult) roommate and living on my own. So it was a whole new slate by the time it was in terra firma Taurus and settled solid in my 7th.

The urge to make changes feels almost inevitable during Uranus transits... Elsa make a great point that Saturn will also be involved now so maybe it will help exercise some caution and think twice.

I will add this, the new situations I found myself in, also contained within them an element of chaos that revealed itself over time...  So, in retrospect, I'm not sure how I did. I think Uranus sometimes brings this sense of urgency with it too. In retrospect I still would have made those changes because the things that left my life definitely NEEDED to go, but maybe I would have just taken my time before mapping out my next steps. I think everything worked out like it was supposed to in the end though Smile

(Uranus rules my 4th house so changes on the homefront and also with it squaring my Mc I think explained the changes on the work front.)

Good luck Cris!?

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"The urge to make changes feels almost inevitable during Uranus transits."


I have to have some faith in this transit while tempering myself more. Managed to do it for three months but with the last two oppositions from transiting Uranus to my natal (and rising) Uranus quickly approaching I'm going to need to extra resolve.

From mid Feb onwards the opposition to Uranus will break away and then the planet will head towards the first of three conjunctions to my Dsc...yikes.

Got a personal project going in the next months so I will try to think twice and thrice.

Thanks for sharing your experience and insights/reflections.

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@cris, if you can do it, a daily brisk walk outside, for 15 minutes or so, can help channel some of the Uranus urges.  Jotting notes of any sudden thoughts, also.  Uranus new symbol

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@poppy Maybe I should take that advice too, since my DSC is 5 degrees Taurus. And yes, I do journal daily to help with my anxiety plus I go to weekly mental health treatment sessions.

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@purplestargirl, I failed twice, so far, to leave a reply to your thoughts here.  Third time lucky, I hope.

Uranus transits, to or from, often offer brief moments of sudden insight.  Which is why it's good to adopt a habit of carrying a small notebook - or a file card - and a pencil, for jotting that single thought, while it's still fresh in your mind.  Later, you can cogitate, or not, but you will have captured that stray, awry thought.

Very, very different from journaling.  Two tools, see?

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@poppy I must remedy that then. I carry a pen with me wherever I go.

I have natal Uranian energy anyways so sudden insights aren't entirely uncommon for me to experience. Just the next seven years may have insights about relationships that I haven't thought of before.


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@purplestargirl, if you take the effort to jot your sudden thoughts (some people have used file cards, others, very small notebooks) you *will* find that this practice frees your thinking, open in new, unforeseeable directions.  😉

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15 minutes is very doable. I tend to think of 45-50 minutes for walks and then can feel put off but 15 minutes, very doable. Thank you Poppy.

Got to get some of that energy going!

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@cris, I've found that walking quickly *away* has felt liberating, in Uranus type moments.  Makes the return half of the walk rather peaceful, too.  For me, "because it'll be good for me" doesn't work, as motivation.  Keeping my thoughts to myself, venting through not saying, letting thoughts and feelings whisk off me, does.  ? 

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I've just gone through Uranus transiting my descendent and although it was rocky, by the time it approached the exact degrees, all the worst I feared had kinda already happened (my relationship ended) but I felt freed from the tension.

Things were very up and down, a lot to work through but somehow there were moments of total detachment and clarity that took me out of the emotional swamp.  

I spent more time in nature by myself, met some really interesting people on the way. It was like a need to confront a fear of total isolation, which said 'you're never totally alone if you are willing to be yourself and accept people as you find them'.  It's a very apt Uranian lesson for the intensely bonded, suspicious part of Scorpio - not all valuable connections have to be do or die.

Uranus in now transiting opposite my moon and over Chiron so will see.  I feel responsibility for my own and other's suffering will be a theme, especially with Saturn.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences about this transit.

I can imagine the feeling of relief once freed from the tensions felt.

Lots of unusual and interesting people coming into my life right now teaching me lots of lessons regarding humanity's diversity. I am feeling closer to some of my old friends than to other old friends as a result of my changing.

Saturn and Uranus activating Asc/Dsc axis next year and so will help me decide what stays and what goes. Just feeling Uranus right now and it's volatile, I'm feeling volatile.

I see this is only the beginning of what I'll be going through.

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@cris  it's a lot of big energy and I'm curious about how Saturn and Uranus mash up especially in Aquarius which has both planets as its ruler.  

"I see this is only the beginning of what I'll be going through."

The messy first draft ? 🙂 

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The messy first draft, yes 🙂

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I think I'll try the nature thing.

Good luck with your Uranus transit to Moon and Chiron with Saturn in the mix.

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@cris  thank you 🙂

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I'm also going through a Uranus conj. DSC transit. All it does is make me want to change my hair and get more tattoos and piercings. I've also been single for a number of years but nothing's come of that and none of my relationships have changed in any way, although a friend of mine did express some interest in me a while ago. It seemed to kind of wane. And I did have to turn another friend down because I'm just not interested in him romantically.

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Thanks for sharing.

Of course how you present yourself and how you look is changing with that Asc activation. I've had a little of that too.

New relationships of some sort are likely, yes. Good luck with the transit.


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@cris Thanks. I hope the transit works out for you as well. Us Scorpio ASCs need to stick together. 😉

I have a strong Aquarian signature on my chart so I'm not sure if it will change much for me but thanks anyway.

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