
July 12: Venus oppo...
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July 12: Venus opposite Pluto

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this is across 9/3 for me - nothing noticeable yet

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@belladonna not missing anything.  It's been generally unpleasant!

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other astrologers are making this sound quite grim also

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@belladonna It is not always grim! I am just off the phone with an estranged grandma. I'm pretty sure this situation will be healed and rectified under this aspect.

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@elsa ya I had a long convo with a young relative who called heartbroken by the betrayal of his now ex-fiance (almost decade-long relationship)

3rd Party here... pretty befitting

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I can feel it. I have not had any words with family or friends, but I can feel it. Also, my thoughts have gone to what has been done to me. I really try to avoid going there because .... well for all the reasons we know better. One thing leads to another then all hell breaks loose, and I am not well enough for it. I have been keeping busy. No time to think about whatever.... 

Values, the generosity of giving, maybe finances out of balance, a lot of projection with intensity that causes problems. Just the way the energy is. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. This energy is the kind that cause a family or friend rift that cannot be corrected. It can feel like... idk, you think you are not getting your due, which can actually be an ego trip (and mind fk) which is why I don't trust it and won't get into anything with anyone... because it will pass. 

Venus and Pluto ... the power to possess the object of their affection ...toxic lovey dovey... 

Fixed signs, stand down 😳 for at least two weeks. 

They say look at what was going on last summer (2023)  

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Another person popped up.  Venus is at a late degree of Cancer, aspecting my Capricorn. It's mostly dark stuff.

Between this and events around my husband's immediate family (four moons in Scorpio), I expect something to break this month. However, I think if could be positive. 

Like my brother in law getting through his kidney crisis. Late Libra sun, w/ stellium in Scorpio, early degrees.

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Venus is exactly opposite my Neptune. I feel the doom thoughts bubbling up but I'm just ignoring them for now. I think today, my tiny inner OCD Goldilocks didn't get things exactly the way she pictured and it's going to be fine anyway.

It will be on 2/8 cusps for me and will impact my Moon, Venus and Pluto at exactitude. Should be interesting. I will report back when it blows over.

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