
Jupiter Uranus 2024...
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Jupiter Uranus 2024 realization

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I realized that Jupiter is moving forward over already covered ground and as it approaches Uranus, forming a wide conjunction (8 deg) at the beginning of March, Jupiter will be at the same degrees as it was late summer 2023.

Perhaps that time period offers some clues? 

Jupiter was hovering over my Taurus DESC at that time and it will meet up with Uranus in my 7th... very curious if somehow there will be a connection.



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correction: both planets will be at similar degree points as last summer! 

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I think this is highly likely and the reason I say this is the nature of TAURUS. Even with Uranus in the sign, there is this quality of SLOWNESS and DRAG to everything, so it makes sense that every degree counts and is connected within the SLOW but THOROUGH story of these TRANSITS. Each person has their slow and thorough story going on i'm sure. 

As we move towards Uranus going direct this month I'm really feeling the edge of that SLOW (sometimes feeling stagnant) reality versus what things would be like if those planets were in other signs. It will become more noticeable when Jupiter enters Gemini, the realisation will be sharp. I'm a Taurus as you know and I abide like the Dude, but currently I'm really struggling with this vibe. I keep having this sense (and it hit me again today) that so much is going on behind the scenes, that I'm not where I think I am, I'm actually way ahead, but that there's a disconnect between these two realities and the only thing that joins them currently is faith, which is another Taurus theme.

Makes me think of the similarities between Scorpio and Taurus. The deep stillness and quietness that is immensely rich but you have to learn to access it the right way otherwise it appears meaningless. 

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@sophiab feels sooo slow!

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I view this Taurus Jupiter Uranus conjunction within the context of Pluto entering Aquarius.

With the Midheaven of our individual charts being defined by the highest point the Sun reaches in the sky on the day of birth -  Uranus and Aquarius have an affinity with some mysteries of the darkness of the night sky, the Moon, and the IC. The two dimensional flat earth perspective that has followed from an over emphasis on the Sun and the ecliptic may be broadened with a new understanding of the Meridian and the IC in particular.

The pole of the Earth around which it rotates thru all 12 signs in a day's time actually joins and unifies those diverse energies. Its the Axis ( or Anima) Mundi  -  the soul of the Earth. Polaris - the North star in Gemini - currently sits at one end of the Earth's pole and then the other end points at the super massive Black hole at the center of our galaxy in Sagittarius. Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus imply something new emerging about the Earth's poles and our individual IC's.  And its not about light and spirit but rather more about emergent emotion, purpose and gravity. 



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Thank goodness Venus won’t be retrograde in Leo like it was at that time. What a mess that was! 

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@buendia so true

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Good things happened to me at that time; conjunction lands in 9th house, opposite natal Pluto in 3rd...fingers crossed!

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