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Karmic lessons

Posts: 14
Active Member
Joined: 1 year ago

Hi there, looking at your chart it's a lot of mercury-virgo-3rd house here, a lot to do with communication. I can understand where Elsa and Jana is coming from, but just to look at it differently, perhaps you are to understand more about how you communicate in life, to others and the universe? Are you clear in your communication about what you want and do not want? It seems to me that if you are upset and frustrated with him you shouldn't have him in your life and you need to communicate that to him (and the universe). There are other ways of learning, but this is just my opinion. I had a similar relationship with somebody - I realized we were not a perfect match but was also thinking that he was there to teach me something. He ended up dumping him because he felt I had too much anger in me, but I realized afterwards that a lot of my anger was due to him being around and I wasn't at all as angry when he was gone. I think a lot of my anger was actually his that he was projecting on me. Anyway, I'm quite peaceful nowadays ( 😉 ) and it is to a large degree through communicating better with people around me but most of all the healing I'm doing nowadays. Have no idea if this helps, but just wanted to share. All the best!

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(@Anonymous 23295)
Joined: 2 months ago

Posts: 8

@amandaa Thank you Amanda for sharing your story and thoughts! It definitely helps to feel that I'm not the only one in this. 

Right, my 3rd house is packed! 🙂 And I suspect it has been under the heavy influence of the almighty Saturn (conjunct my IC on top of that) until recently resulting in almost zero communication(( and lots of introversion. 

And I do have the same feelings as you when it comes to this guy! I'm very frustrated when he's around and calm and peaceful (that's the word!) when he's not. 

Best wishes on your healing journey!

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