Progress this morning. Partial fix.
Glad to hear, things are moving forward slowly, that Full Moon has been intense! Prayers for Satori.
Your son and his gf, helping out. How sweet and wonderful is that!
Best of luck for this process. My head hurts thinking about it.
I realized the distinction of this blog vs the modern blog. Generally, the author is the star of the thing. Their glory is spread all over. Not that it doesn't make sense but this blog is more interactive. It's intended to foster discussion and community. This is on my mind due to the redesign that is underway.
As the internet evolves, these communities are disappearing; this sends people onto the large platforms. Consequently the modern templates are all about, "look at me", the site owner.
I really hope the site comes out okay. I used to love making videos, twenty years ago but now, it's all so thirsty. It doesn't suit me.
Anyway, I just want to tell people who support this blog, where I am at with this. I am trying to keep the site but also keep the site.
The solar return of this blog has Pluto rising this year. We seem set to rise from the ashes, I hope!
Another distinction is that is it is undoubtedly real. You, the rest of us are recognizable and real. We have been here for parents to pass and children growing up. We cried and cheered with each other. People here have developed real friendship on and offline. Thanks Elsa!