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Mars and Anger!

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Hi all.... I guess this is my first thread Smile

Mars is in gemini in my natal chart. I am a voracious reader, from childhood. Also I was known to say really nasty stuff to people who pissed me off. With progressed mars changing signs to cancer, the shift has been noticeable. 

If I'm really angry, I cry!! Or else, binge-eat :/. BUT recently, I found a more creative way of letting my anger out.... that's cooking :D. Its like, by the time you're done chopping the vegetables, half your anger is out! Reviewing restaurants in Zomato has become my favorite pastime these days. Mars in cancer generally gets a bad rep, but from my experience, its mostly about letting your anger out. Once its gone, you're back to normal, again.

how do you deal with anger? How does that change as your mars changes signs?

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Mars in Capricorn, conjunct with Neptune and Saturn. I can hold my anger when there are people around me, but when I am alone, in home, and when I am very angry I throw or hit things 😀 But these cases are very rare - I must be very very very angry to do that. Sometimes I yell to my closest people - my family, if they took me out of my skin. But generally - I can hold my anger (Saturn) when and if I want.

My way of dealing with anger is to workout, sometimes I am cleaning.

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Vivid said
Mars in Capricorn, conjunct with Neptune and Saturn. I can hold my anger when there are people around me, but when I am alone, in home, and when I am very angry I throw or hit things 😀 But these cases are very rare - I must be very very very angry to do that. Sometimes I yell to my closest people - my family, if they took me out of my skin. But generally - I can hold my anger (Saturn) when and if I want.

My way of dealing with anger is to workout, sometimes I am cleaning.

Actually, I saw it just right now, my progressed Mars will enter in Aquarius on 02-03 October - after 3 weeks. I wonder what would be and how I will act then 😀

If someone have any suggestions, please share Smile I will experience the sign change of Mars for the first time. Wohoo

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haha @vivid ? a fellow mars in cap used to tell me the same thing about holding his anger... I never believed him! You people look so calm ?

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My natal Mars is 27° Virgo. Progressed is 17° Virgo r.

It takes a lot to get me to react to people when I'm angry but every once in a while I snap a little. But usually I will focus on something and clean it. Or I like to go for a drive and listen to metal, work out furiously....I get very physical and active when I'm mad. Mars is in my 1st house, natally, so it's very Arian at times. Um, I have thrown things in the past but you know, that is never good when your hair brush breaks and you have to touch up the wall before your husband finds out lol

Progressed, it's in my 12th, and retrograde. When I'm angry I still do the above but I also retreat into a little dream world I've created.

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@Vivid, I wonder if your progressed Mars in Aquarius will give you the ability to detach from situations that make you mad. You might think and analyze and intellectualize actions (including anger).

I am trying to get my head around Mars in Aquarius. It seems like it would think think think about things.

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